Example sentences of "[prep] that [noun sg] was [art] " in BNC.

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1 One of the major contracts we were responsible for during that time was the construction of the Wemmershoek Dam for Cape Town City Council .
2 His most important assignment during that period was an appearance at the Lateran Council of 1139 , where he defended Stephen 's claim to the throne of England by attacking Matilda 's legitimacy .
3 I would say the thing that kept me sane during that period was the fact that I had a part time job , and erm we were able to pay for some home help .
4 He said of the Coronation poster : ‘ I always thought the idea for that poster was the apogee of my career as a copywriter because , although I enjoyed thinking up ideas , I always founding writing copy very hard work . ’
5 The salient fact is that Wigg believed , and believed with great intensity , that Profumo had lied to him and for that reason was a suitable object for punishment in fanning the flame of the sexual scandal .
6 Nor for that matter was the rug .
7 The significance of that occasion was the retention of the strings of lights round the new parade for the rest of the Season , thus founding the concept of Illuminations in Blackpool .
8 And at the heart of that operation was a crackdown on outsiders the Minogue machine felt were unfairly cashing in on her success .
9 The key element of that standard was a decent house .
10 By 1522 there is no trace of him ; the only person of that name was a widow living at Ridlington , where she owned property assessed at 4 marks , with £10 in goods .
11 Aquitaine , for instance , was the name of an old Roman province ; but the shape of the Carolingian regnum of that name was a Carolingian creation — which also was quite different from Eleanor 's twelfth-century duchy .
12 One outcome of that event was the announcement that an expanded and updated version of a 1983 regional study , Arts as an Industry , would be conducted by the Port Authority of New York .
13 Much of that work was a strain on the eyes , peering through magnifying glasses and into microscopes .
14 The rest of that day was a shocked daze .
15 My subterfuge was a visit to the Rotary — but the only rotary aspect of that day was the circle my buttocks described as I thrust you to orgiastic multiplicities .
16 But by far the most important event of that year was the death of King Louis VII on 18 September and the accession of his son Philip II .
17 By contrast , the shaft of Jaq 's power axe was embossed with rococo icons , the pommel of that halberd was a brass Ork skull and complex purity seals embellished the power-pack to which a cable resembling a gem-serpent ran .
18 All that remained of the laughter of that morning was the cardboard box filled with dead peonies and shoved against the wall in the corner by the sink .
19 One result of that Congress was the Convention on Civil Procedure of 11 January 1889 , Article 9 of which read as follows :
20 In The Unbearable Lightness of Being , the Czech exile Sabina disturbs her French friends by being unable to last out a parade held to protest against the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968 : ‘ She would have liked to tell them that behind Communism , Fascism , behind all occupations and invasions lurks a more basic , pervasive evil and that the image of that evil was a parade of people marching by with raised fists and shouting identical syllables in unison . ’
21 On the wall of that room was a patch where the barometer had hung — so familiar a face that I had hardly realized it was there .
22 The chief mark of that period was a new confidence in the power of reason , as opposed to acceptance of authority , to discover truth : we find things out , not simply by believing what someone else tells us , but by considering the evidence , reflecting upon it , and accepting what can ‘ prove itself at the bar of reason ’ .
23 My most vivid memory of that period was the bombing of the Leith Docks .
24 Their only contact with any of their children in all of that time was a monthly visit with their eldest child , in a bare room , accompanied by a social worker who vetted the questions each asked the other .
25 The erm onset of that crisis was the attempt made by the Soviet Union to emplace erm medium range missile bases on Cuba .
26 The erm onset of that crisis was the attempt made by the Soviet Union to emplace erm medium range missile bases on Cuba .
27 The root of that technology was the discovery of fusion power .
28 At the heart of that strategy was the replacement of the company 's mainframe computers with networks of high-powered desktop workstations .
29 How much of that gain was the product of newly fired-up managers ?
30 They always appeared in a ‘ special comedy show ’ on Christmas night — and perhaps the creaking and overfed somnolence of that evening was the best state in which to watch their predictable routines .
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