Example sentences of "[prep] his [noun] when [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 A man serving in the R.A.F. wrote to say that he was deeply indebted to the doctors and nurses who had looked after his wife when she had been admitted with a complicated confinement , which had needed an operation .
2 He was turning back towards his car when he looked back with a casual afterthought .
3 Writing about Stravinsky , Canudo gave a practical demonstration of his outlook when he claimed that : ‘ He partakes of our aesthetic , of Cubism , of synchronism , of the simultaneity of some and the nervous , matter of fact onyrhythm of others . ’
4 Ricard agreed and was searching for the key on the ring of his belt when we heard the sound of horses and men shouting .
5 He had felt the power of his position when he had taken a bottle to the room of any major and propositioned for information on the talk in the mess when he , the KGB 's ears , was not present .
6 He alleged that inquiry officers had lied about seeing a flickering light in a bedroom window of his home when they applied for a search warrant .
7 A Roman Catholic persecuted under Elizabeth I , he designed the Triangular Lodge in his prison cell as a symbol of the Holy Trinity and built it in the grounds of his home when he was released .
8 Part of his stock-in-trade when he wants to take over an organization .
9 His long memory also told him that this was a moment of his life when he felt a total rapport with Fisher .
10 He had arrived before the others , and got the shock of his life when he saw Nails .
11 He got the shock of his life when he found out who I was and asked if my mother knew I was there .
12 MAN FOR THE JOB GARRY Schofield played the game of his life when he led Britain to victory in the second Ashes Test in Melbourne .
13 And then towards the end of his life when he was already ill , he had one last hope to cling to .
14 Mark Blundell produced the race of his life when he finished third on his debut with the Ligier Renault team .
15 THE body of a 26-year-old man who was apparently buried alive while trying to rescue one of his terriers when it became trapped down a hole , has been found on a Welsh mountainside .
16 The anxieties and misgivings of the past few days disappeared as though they had never been , as Johnny kissed her and touched her and told her of his need for her ; of his despair when she had not come to him .
17 The real criticism of Mr Pound is not to be directed against his theory as such , but rather at the hasty headlong fashion in which he presents it , at the logical confusion of his intellect when it is not performing the task which is specifically his own , that task being poetry .
18 Iago slung his harp over his shoulder , where it carried snugly under his cloak on horseback , and hunched one shoulder slightly under the cape of his capuchon when he went afoot in England .
19 The rest of the time , he 'd stay with one of his friends when they were out campaigning for the animals . ’
20 He was right to be prouder of his divertissement La chasse du cerf than of anything he had written previously , for he was somewhat out of his depth when it came to setting dramatic texts .
21 The experience was later dredged out of his subconscious when he played drug addict Lenny Bruce .
22 Instead he hurriedly told his fellow directors that he had an urgent appointment to keep collapsing into the arms of his secretary when he reached his office .
23 He was only jolted out of his misery when he approached the front door leading to his much-maligned flat and , as he struggled to pull his keys out of his right pocket with his left hand , a voice spoke to him from the shadows of the front porch .
24 Frankie 's eyes nearly popped out of his head when he clapped eyes on the room and its contents , especially what was laid out on the table .
25 James finally got Sir Clifford out of his system when he went on a yachting holiday in the Mediterranean with three friends .
26 Goma still showed signs of his beating when he was allowed to emigrate to France shortly afterwards .
27 It 's also the fact that I know for a fact , I know for a fact that she 's very frightened of his temper when it happens .
28 You expect fire to come out of the back of his ball when he hits it , but his ball 's flight is no different to mine .
29 You expect fire to come out of the back of his ball when he hits it , but his ball 's flight is no different to mine .
30 What would Changez make of his wife when he finally looked at her ?
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