Example sentences of "[prep] we who [vb base] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They give time and money to their faith and such giving often shames those of us who claim to be orthodox believers .
2 This may be smugly satisfying to those of us who sit on the sidelines , but even ardent moralists must soon start to wonder whether the Boesky boom in show trials has overplayed itself .
3 Ministers should take on board this message from those of us who speak for people with whom we come into contact in our day-to-day work : something must be done about victimisation , and it must be done quickly .
4 For those of us who fret about ways in which modern technology distances us from understanding this programme was a revelation .
5 This is not the politics of jealousy from those of us who worry about such matters .
6 Ultimately the universe in its totality is in some sense perfect , as also are its elements understood as required by the overall nature of that totality , but from the point of view of us who struggle within it things are called good or bad ( or by some such words ) according as to whether they promote our particular struggle to actualise our own nature .
7 Unless or until we codify this agenda and give it meaning through our cooperative efforts , those of us who care about what is happening to the other animals will remain individual , separate gears that do not mesh .
8 All those of us who care for the future well-being of Europe will take comfort from the fact that Mr Lewis is now — how shall we put it ? — hardly the influence he once was .
9 For those of us who live with a friendly cat it is hard to understand people who suffer from a terror of encountering felines at close quarters .
10 Your review of Raymond Bonner 's ‘ At the Hand of Man ’ ( April 24th ) is a ray of hope for those of us who live with dangerous wild animals .
11 When , in Frankfurt in October , the talks were foundering , North called it ‘ a great tragedy for those of us who live on this Planet Earth ’ ; nothing less than the misalignment of two spheres that had been about to dance in harmonious orbit .
12 Once the veneer of hunt balls and dressing up for the occasion is stripped away all you have left is a very cruel activity which is a disgrace to those of us who live in the modern world .
13 A strange fact about those of us who live in the West is that we always seem to want more than we have .
14 Those of us who live in south-east London not three miles from King 's Cross know that if we were taking our children to meet a continental train , or if we were taking elderly parents or grandparents to meet the train , we would not take them to King 's Cross , because we could not park there or get them near the platforms .
15 Those of us who live in north-east Kent have always believed that there should be a fast link , and we have been perfectly happy for it to go through south London , to where our constituents who will benefit from the link wish to travel .
16 Andrew also differs : ‘ Those of us who play outside the North are just as much northerners . ’
17 But those of us who deal with bureaucratic institutions simply as part of normal life , while we may find it frustrating , even demeaning , can at least retreat into the private institutions of our family where , if we are lucky , we will find acceptance , support and warmth .
18 Those of us who work with refugees recognise how stretched are the resources of the United Nations , particularly those for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees , and those who have responsibility for coping with the enormous problems about which the hon. Member for Islington , North ( Mr. Corbyn ) has just spoken .
19 And I 'm proud to say , whether it 's to keep our nation strong , extend the freedom of thought through telecommunications , or expand the industrial horizons , all of us who work at Hughes will continue to expand our vision — to meet tomorrow 's need today .
20 For those of us who work at the power stations , the idea of going on a guided tour may seem daft .
21 I poured 70 per cent of it into a glass representing the wages paid to those of us who work in the business , 20 per cent into a glass representing what was ploughed back by way of reinvestment in plant and machinery , 5 per cent into a glass representing dividends and 5 per cent into a glass representing tax .
22 They will be a very few words because the prospectus has an increasingly difficult job of compressing into its allocated space all that has to be said about a University that gets bigger every year and that those of us who work in it are biased enough to think gets better every year .
23 In the last twenty years , those of us who work in these services have seen revolutionary changes which have been brought about by the use of state-of-the-art scientific technological developments .
24 For many of us who work in urban schools , multicultural education has felt like the correct response to our growing awareness of the multiracial nature of our schools .
25 The warmth of feeling many Garden visitors have for the place is greatly cherished by those of us who work in it , and we deeply appreciate the feelings of all who wish to be associated with our activities .
26 It illustrates something that those of us who work in the field of evolutionary biology sort of grow to live with , which is that anything which casts doubt on Darwin will get a good blow up in the press , on television , and so on .
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