Example sentences of "[prep] a [noun sg] of years " in BNC.

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1 Yet , although the leaders of both sides of industry worked hard to achieve a common agreement on policies to present to the government the talks , and the influence they exerted , began to wither away after a couple of years , and did not survive into the 1930s .
2 I 've been a sportsman all my life and after a couple of years away from the game on a daily basis , I 'm happy to be coming back .
3 Most library suppliers produce ‘ library editions ’ of fiction by buying up sets of book sheets from the publishers , adding double strength reinforcing and laminating the dust jackets on to their own boards — the end result having far greater durability than a publisher 's casing , and avoiding the need for binding after a couple of years ' use .
4 After a couple of years they adopted a child which they named Peggy , of whom he was very fond .
5 After a couple of years singing one-liners and bit-parts , things really began to take off for me .
6 Eva Maria wanted to be a teacher and was offered a place , after a couple of years , at St Katherine 's Training College .
7 He had been a flop there too because , after a couple of years , he had left amidst rumours of misconduct .
8 I guess he taught me the right way , because after a couple of years , when I heard something , I knew what it was before any intellectual wheels were turning in my head .
9 The brands on buffaloes were difficult to read after a couple of years , and thieves were ingenious at altering them .
10 ‘ I was asked to supervise canoeing when a scout leader , so I went off to master the sport and was a senior instructor after a couple of years .
11 Instead we 've had limp-wristed pardoners , a well paid return after a couple of years and now the insult of Johnson being only 10 and a bit seconds from another Olympic final .
12 After a couple of years they would be exchanged for someone else of sufficiently high position .
13 Sometimes the mum , after a couple of years , the mum will come around , but not the dad .
14 One is the cutaneous form — caused by the protozoan Leishmania braziliensis — which produces nasty sores and , after a couple of years , secondary sores in the mucus membranes of the lips , nose and genital organs , eating them away .
15 Usually after a couple of years ,
16 James and I continued to go out and have lovely times together , but after a couple of years it slowly began to dawn on me that I was expanding .
17 I wish him luck and hope that after a couple of years he is transferred back !
18 His great virtue was that he did not rely on a single visit , but frequently returned after a period of years and was able to comment on progress — or lack of it — and the way in which new legislation was being implemented .
19 For the purpose of such measurements a layer of distinctive sand is put down on the marsh and the amount of accretion after a period of years measured by cutting down to the patch of sand with a tool sharp enough not to disturb the section .
20 After a number of years on tour with her husband , in Europe , the near East , South Africa and the Argentine , she returned to Broadway in the mid-1930s .
21 However , after a number of years of operation , the APU does not appear to have been conspicuous in its success : most of the background measures are of little use , and there are difficulties in relevant measures .
22 At one time boundaries were , in the main , marked by a white line , and it was only after a number of years of requesting the TCCB that in matches organised by them a rope be used to denote the boundary that this regulation was implemented , if my memory serves me correctly , for the 1983 season .
23 Only then may the supplier 's product be classified as satisfactory , and , perhaps after a number of years of further product tests have elapsed , the supplier may be added to the list of recognised contractors .
24 Therefore , after a number of years of operation , regular service and preventative maintenance , it can become increasingly difficult to retain peak performance and preserve the capital value of this expensive asset .
25 Seabird colonies in the Shetland Isles are recording significant breeding successes after a number of years of declining numbers .
26 HAVE heard many stories of people running into old school friends after a number of years , but this one takes the biscuit .
27 So , taking account of the polonium , local people relying mainly on local milk , meat and vegetables could expect doses over a period of a couple of years of about 4 to 15 rems ; more incidentally , than people at Hiroshima within 2 km of the bomb .
28 I 'm far more phlegmatic and appreciate the value of people , but this has been a waste of a couple of years , prime working time , and I 'd like those back . ’
29 Their model 855 , a multi-bit design of a couple of years back , achieved something of a cult status and not only in the UK .
30 Cos the we er did get people contacting the office to say I 've got a lump sum , I 'd like to put it somewhere for a couple of years , and er we always wondered why they 're thinking of a couple of years .
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