Example sentences of "[prep] a [noun sg] that i " in BNC.

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1 You , Mr. Speaker , would not permit me to give a full answer to the right hon. Gentleman 's question , which reminds me of a minute that I sent out , when I went to the Home Office in 1987 , to the then permanent secretary .
2 because where all the sort of a route that I reckon I know I , I am not gon na know it all .
3 Mind you I was glad cos I got hell of a temper that I kept myself alright cos I was gon na swing for her like .
4 E actually yours made me think of a story that I was told many years ago on a coach trip over Dartmoor
5 ‘ And ‘ t was not for the hand of a child that I wrote to your father a year later . ’
6 And he gives me a look of a kind that I do n't altogether like .
7 Let me inscribe these words on this papyrus of a person that I have become and trust , my saviour , that one day they will enlighten me .
8 I enclose a copy of a statement that I have prepared for you .
9 I was a bit bored this lunchtime , so I though I 'd type in a bit of a report that I read in the Daily Mail about the Hibs game .
10 When you have thought about all these things , when you have fully absorbed into the darkest parts of your mind the sub-human horror of them , you will realize , must realize , with the blinding force of a revelation that I could not by the very nature of my soul be so implicated in such a maze of lust and filth .
11 of a thing that I know .
12 Seeing a Catholic church , I went in , but a huddled family inside looked so shocked at the sight of a stranger that I hurried out again , suspecting a funeral .
13 Helen : For some reason I thought of it that they 've given me this monster of a baby that I was n't going to be able to love , and some woman came round — she may have been the hospital social worker or an almoner — and spent about an hour telling me how this was going to completely change the course of my life , I was going to be saddled with this child that would need twenty-four hour care and attention , and I had to think carefully about whether I wanted that for the rest of my life , i.e. was I going to keep him — virtually talking me into not keeping him , and I think the turning-point was that I felt there was something coming from the outside that was , sort of , really trying to urge me to reject him , and that I rebelled against it .
14 Erm there was a , I mean there was a lot of friction , I mean , I mean I 'm really lucky to have the strength of a friendship that I did because you know , if , I would n't have got , you know where I am , sort of without it , I think .
15 ‘ It 's the end of an adventure that I thought would last for ever .
16 He and I have had a series of meetings about the provision of the slip road , and he reminded me of an undertaking that I had given when Minister responsible for health matters a few years ago .
17 Perhaps it was sitting in front of an audience that I hardly knew but believed to be very worthy that brought back that old feeling of being a bit of a fraud , particularly when one lady , catching the shreds of my zeal said I had taken away her fear of cancer !
18 or was more accurately a fire officer for a part of an office that I was n't aware of , so I mean I think .
19 So , it was like a relief that I could talk to him about being pregnant .
20 I had just winched in the staysail 's port sheet when the explosion sounded , or something so like an explosion that I instinctively cowered by Wavebreaker 's rail as my mind whipped back to the crash of practice shells ripping through the sleet in Norway .
21 ‘ If you 've some crazy notion in that muddled excuse for a brain that I 've got designs on your person , allow me to disabuse you of it right now , ’ he told her bluntly , bringing hot , but thankfully invisible , colour to her cheeks .
22 I teased him for a bit that I did n't get it , it went for so much .
23 I do n't think for a minute that I can work them out in movies .
24 ‘ And you did n't believe for a minute that I would agree and that 's why you said it .
25 In the words of the director of the Yeshive University Museum , New York : ‘ This is the most difficult project for a museum that I can imagine .
26 In fact , the only thing me and that apology for a wench that I 'm forced to share this column with can agree on is that the Sega games are just too flamin' easy .
27 She added that to herself while , aloud , she elaborated , ‘ I was fishing for a coin that I 'd accidentally dropped down the back of the chair … and there was my passport and the rest of my stuff . ’
28 Now what that 's saying is , today is the due date for a job that I gave Barbara .
29 But do n't think for a moment that I 'm duped by my own little lies . ’
30 ‘ I have not suggested for a moment that I regard all humanity as rotten , ’ George said icily .
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