Example sentences of "[prep] a [noun] but she " in BNC.

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1 She not only had the figure of a mannequin but she had learned from the girls at the salon how to walk , how to hold her head up , how to appear perfectly poised .
2 And then we come to the sixth race which is the eight forty five , well I 'm going to go for Angie Baby here in trap three , she 's erm a little bit of a kidder but she might have the legs of these , as long as something leads her , she 'll come and erm try and do them on the line , so it 's Angie Baby for me there , erm Ruby Blue in trap six is a danger .
3 Blanche 's antennae were very sensitive at gauging the progress of an investigation but she relied on Dexter to hoover up male gossip that was beyond her reach , idle chatter in the canteen or the gents ' toilet that sometimes hardened into hostility or resentment at some way a case was being handled .
4 She looked like a child but she had exceptional bone structure .
5 A Welsh farming family called an aunt by marriage ‘ granny ; ’ a Grantham print manager 's family took in a grandfather 's cousin ‘ too old to live alone ’ who just ‘ spent her time knitting ’ and ‘ seemed something like a granny but she was n't . ’
6 In. , Finally , the boy tried to squirm past her like a silverfish but she had him by the hair and was breaking the rifle over his head and shoulders when my father stopped her .
7 Her body had stiffened for a moment but she made herself relax and huddle against him .
8 Commenting on whether a cake had been promised to Miss Dodd , she said : ‘ We were prepared to give it to her as a donation but she cancelled the order . ’
9 She was not a violent demonstrator as a suffragette but she worked hard for the women 's vote , and at times vociferously at public meetings .
10 Karenin also tells Anna he loves her as a husband but she does n't believe he is capable of love or knows what it is either .
11 Cliff liked to get her in a corner but she liked to sit in the middle .
12 Her senses were in a whirl but she tried to hold on to her sanity .
13 His wife answered and told me that he was out on a call but she 'd give him my message .
14 Okay now she 's off really quickly on a reach but she 's oversheeted , she 's got too much power there , she 's sheeting the sail in instead of easing it out until it flaps and then just pulling it in a little .
15 After the rape he dragged her to an alley but she broke free .
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