Example sentences of "[prep] be give to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Now I was to be given to Syl .
2 Thus , about beliefs and values in science education , Michael Poole writes : In science education and in other areas of the curriculum more help needs to be given to students to enable them to discern where beliefs and values are located , how to spot where they follow from the subject matter or were imported at the beginning , what are the available options among them and what are appropriate criteria for testing their truth-claims and adjudicating between the ones on offer .
3 It is intriguing to wonder how some of the emigrants found their way to the outlandish places in which they settled , or how Ayrshire names came to be given to spots which are amongst the most isolated on earth .
4 The Church should now recognise the priority which needs to be given to music if the impoverishment of services is not going to continue .
5 That more frequent inspection pattern enables better guarantees to be given to parents and local charge payers of the standards and effectiveness of schools .
6 This will make it possible for more informed advice to be given to parents of mentally handicapped children about how they can best assist their children 's language development .
7 Emphasis needs to be given to strategies and materials which reinforce knowledge made available elsewhere in the school curriculum , and valuable in the preparation of students for public examinations .
8 Of the 168 vacancies thus created , 42 were to be filled by new borough seats , including eight new London seats and seats for Manchester , Leeds , and Birmingham ; 55 were to be devoted to the provision of additional members for countries , to augment what had traditionally been regarded as the most " independent " element in the representative system ; and nine new places were to be given to Scotland , Ireland and Wales .
9 A new product release , for example , might be angled for the consumer media along the lines of the second release given above for Brand A. But for the retail trade press much more emphasis will need to be given to discounts , special promotions and advertising — in fact , full details of what 's in it for the retailer .
10 Priority was to be given to walking , not only because it was felt that this would give disproportionate environmental benefits and would aid access to public transport , but it would recognise the dominance of local movement by foot transport .
11 Similar considerations have to be given to ballets on a theme and to ballets that interpret music where the composer 's own structure should inspire the design ( see page 41 ) .
12 Children — Care proceedings — Threshold conditions — Child in voluntary care placed with foster parents — Child previously at risk with mother — Local authority seeking care order — Whether condition that child ‘ is suffering ’ significant harm satisfied — Whether harm attributable to care given or likely to be given to child if order not made — Children Act 1989 ( c. 41 ) , s. 31(2)
13 He said that the existing system of Sites of Special Scientific Interest ( SSSIs ) had proved ineffectual , with over 500 SSSIs destroyed in the past two years , and that the legal protection to be given to SACs was still unclear .
14 A grant of £400 is to be given to Sedgefield church , St Edmund 's restoration appeal , which has fallen £45,000 short of target .
15 That report will make recommendations on the pay increase to be given to schoolteachers next year , with particular regard to any modifications which might be introduced to the system of selective payments to increase the flexibility of employers in meeting the needs of recruitment and retention .
16 Oddly , much credit for this advance has also to be given to Pius X who , in 1909 , founded the Biblical Institute ( the Biblicum ) in Rome and handed it over to the charge of the Jesuits , the Dominicans having earlier founded the Ecole Biblique in Jerusalem .
17 Careful thought had to be given to assembly and I found that the easiest way was to join all the inner to the outer legs first , making eight rectangular frames .
18 In his verdict , he called for consideration to be given to regulations restricting punts to the relatively safe waters of the Cherwell and to review the conditions under which they could be hired .
19 It enables a voice to be given to interest groups which ought to be heard and , possibly , even exercise influence but which otherwise would lack a sufficient say in the affairs of the nation .
20 In any event , if great prominence came to be given to APR , many people could be misled about the comparative value of competing credit arrangements ; partly because our calculations show that small and sometimes insignificant differences in what the buyer actually has to pay for credit can make for huge and therefore misleadingly imposing differences in APR ; partly because it will tend to make longer-term borrowing look more attractive than shorter-term borrowing even when ( given that the great majority of people prefer to pay off their debts as quickly as possible ) this may not be best for people .
21 According to NIN ( 9 November 1986 ) , since available supplies of foreign exchange have to be given to priority industries , non-priority enterprises have received nothing .
22 Thus more recent cases have , in principle at least , given a broader meaning to that term , utilising it as the foundation for procedural consultation rights to be given to immigrants , workers and local authorities .
23 An information sheet for patients is printed overleaf and a possible list of instructions to be given to patients using 100 or 150ml stock bottles is included .
24 That would involve monitoring the ‘ indicative ’ budgets which are to be given to GPs to ensure that there is no wasteful or excessive prescribing .
25 As the fashionable trade came in so more thought had to be given to subject-matter and to technique and in America this meant that short films had to be replaced or shown in conjunction with multiple-reel films as already pioneered by European film-makers .
26 Additionally there was a basket of favours , small buttonholes and corsages to be given to guests and relatives while the bride and groom were signing the register .
27 Here the discussion paper proposed a very strict rule : the assessment was to be made by reference to the contractual maturity of the debt , and no consideration was to be given to facilities which would permit it to be re-financed .
28 The laws speed up the game greatly but clearly much thought has still to be given to implementation .
29 In addition quality standards require information on costs to be given to clients at least every six months , with clients to be notified when an agreed limit on costs is approached .
30 Rule 15(c) — General information to be given to clients
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