Example sentences of "[prep] be [v-ing] out of " in BNC.

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1 Where it is seen by work colleagues to be getting out of kilter , informal controls can be used to restore equilibrium .
2 When it seemed to be getting out of hand , he insisted that its aim was to improve the system , not to change it .
3 Live well with all creatures is an apt dictum for today , because we seem as humans to be getting out of balance with the rest of the world 's occupants .
4 What is alarming , however , is that the whole system appears to be getting out of balance .
5 Little waves of lightning seemed to be flashing out of her eyes .
6 His little blue bright eyes , hard and round , that seemed this morning to be protruding out of the shallow creamy lakes around them , were full of hate for her .
7 This is a difficult story to understand because Jesus seems to be acting out of character .
8 They 're much more likely to be acting out of self interest .
9 We were able to help him … we can see their house from our bedroom and we just happened to be looking out of the window at the time , do n't you know . ’
10 Chung Lew , chief equities trader at Kleinwort Benson in New York , said : ‘ The market has become very high on a valuation basis and investors seem to be switching out of stocks into other areas such as bonds . ’
11 He seemed to be dozing out of sheer idleness , with his head against the wall .
12 Very often , puberty for example , that depression will become more enhanced , so it might present itself as a problem that seems to be rising out of puberty , but as time goes on and through school help that does n't seem to be resolving that problem , I think that 's the point at which the specialist within the school , the teacher within the school , must think about , ‘ This does n't seem to be resolving itself .
13 But some quite surprising right-wing converts to the idea seem to be popping out of the woodwork , attracted by Mr Lawson 's mistitled idea of ‘ competing currencies ’ .
14 His eyes seemed to be popping out of his head in uncontrollable anger .
15 The nun 's eyes seemed to be popping out of her head as she again wielded the ruler .
16 Crush eggs and caterpillars when seen : trap fruit species with grease bands ; spray with a contact insecticide , or a systemic one if you suspect them to be feeding out of sight .
17 Well , volunteers for the diet seemed to be coming out of the woodwork !
18 Looking down I saw they were in a puddle of water that had n't been there at the start and seemed to be oozing out of the ground .
19 As his strong hands began to gently sponge the sand and sea water from her trembling body her emotions seemed to be spinning out of control .
20 He added : ‘ Bryan seemed to be going out of his way to play a father 's role with the children .
21 In the 70s , voluntary organisations seemed almost to be going out of existence .
22 As said , all the District Councillors are opposed to it , I 'm opposed to it , and there 's very clear cut Highways Authority reasons for refusing , but in spite of that District Council seems to be going out of its way to bend over backwards and , and help the , the applicants for some reason or another , presumably to get this thing through .
23 The front half of a fox , paws and all , its rear end replaced by a shield-shaped slab of polished wood , appeared to be leaping out of the wall just below the picture rail , in the manner of a circus dog emerging from a paper hoop .
24 ‘ Nowadays , David might reasonably be thought a part of this , but at that time he too seemed to be running out of steam .
25 Sequent is targeting Oracle NLM users and OS/2 estimated to be running out of power .
26 Sequent is targeting Oracle NetWare Loadable Module users and OS/2 users estimated to be running out of power .
27 And recently they seemed to be running out of control …
28 The Australians looked to be heading out of the championship when New Zealand 's Peter Belliss and Gary Lawson took the opening set 7-1 and then recovered from 0-6 down to add the second 7-6 .
29 Where the consumed tentacle had rested a mist seemed to be congealing out of nothing as though the hydra was already replenishing itself .
30 These objects seemed to Lee , now as then , to be growing out of the environment , blossoming uglily , like strange new plants emerging from a darkened tree-trunk .
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