Example sentences of "[prep] be [vb pp] in some " in BNC.

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31 This is the fundamental explanation of the continuous growth of population and its full effects were not to be felt in some countries until the 1930s .
32 But the labour involved in studying the objects and producing the data , be it weighing , chemical analysis or whatever , means that the scope of investigations has to be limited in some way .
33 You have to be punished in some way , and you know as well as I do that your case lacks substance .
34 Our word information would have to be stored in some appropriate fashion to facilitate ‘ activation ’ of certain words from both directions , i.e. from both the contextual and the feature/letter levels .
35 All we have is a process of trial and error which , essentially , consists in seeing how well a particular indicator correlates with other indicators of the same concept and with other indicators of concepts presumed to be related in some causal connection .
36 By the end of the century many paleontologists supported the theory of orthogenesis , in which variation was supposed to be pushed in some preordained direction by forces built into the constitution of the organisms .
37 Thus he seems to be arguing from within a position which holds that aggression is an innate attribute of sufficient strength that it needs to be redirected in some way for it not to manifest itself in interhuman relations .
38 He was already aware of the possibility of situations in which approval would not be the automatic outcome of such visits , and indeed the CNAA had already , as a result of institutional visits , imposed stern conditions to be met in some instances if approval was to be continued .
39 ‘ We decided Mervyn 's tremendous contribution — one of imagination and professionalism — over the six years he was secretary had to be acknowledged in some way .
40 Concern also continues to be expressed in some quarters over the increasingly authoritarian attitudes and methodology which surrounds some police practices and there is a commensurate fear about the growth in policing and the exercise of their extensive powers , which look set to become increasingly centralized and wieldy .
41 The criteria may offer guidelines as to standards appropriate to grade levels and may in addition at any grade level be split into separate features of the mathematical investigation , leading to a set of marks or grades which then have to be aggregated in some way .
42 Small Conger eels Conger conger are occasionally to be found in holes where the land meets the sea , and blue Lobsters , Homarus gammurus are uncommon but likely to be discovered in some years .
43 If you 've got an idea or a message to send it has to be encoded in some way then there 's various mediums or media by which it can be transmitted but it 's got to be decoded by the receiver for the idea or message to be understood , and there 's some kind of feedback mechanism potentially from the receiver to the sender .
44 It remains true , of course , that the formal system of a foreign language is very obviously different from that of the learner 's first language , that it therefore forms the basis of any full communication , and that it needs to be acquired in some way .
45 The reference to excuses for crime is likely to be interpreted in some circles as a challenge to the Archbishop of Canterbury , Dr George Carey , who was heavily criticised by Conservatives last year when he implied that urban deprivation was to blame for the Tyneside riots .
46 I waited with bated breath for this statement to be interpreted in some tactful way , such as , ‘ Could you please check your figures since mine are at variance with yours ? ’
47 It is clear , I think , from these examples that if the principle of induction is to be a guide to what counts as a legitimate scientific inference , then the ‘ large number ’ clause will need to be qualified in some detail .
48 We may define a social movement , in broad terms , as a collective endeavour to promote or resist change in the society of which it forms part ; l but this statement needs to be qualified in some way if we are to retain a clear distinction between a ‘ movement ’ and a ‘ party ’ .
49 Mr Blair took the lead , claiming : ‘ Some young offenders are so out of control and such menaces to society that they are going to have to be put in some form of secure accommodation . ’
50 In order to be able to find the information you want , the information has to be organised in some way .
51 A pawn in the chess match between Unix and Microsoft Corp , WABI is starting to be described in some circles as more important than COSE itself .
52 Degree courses were also to be provided in some Area Colleges , to ensure a fair geographical distribution of opportunities .
53 In addition Mrs scheme at page forty three provides for a further twenty eight hours a week to be provided in some other way , that it is suggested is parental care , but it seems to me that it would either be parental care or hired care .
54 So here the relationship between the lexical concepts has to be marked in some way to make up for the inadequacy of the words to indicate what part of the general context of knowledge is to be engaged .
55 ‘ It would be outrageous if this House were to be by-passed in some way by a nit-picking legalistic exercise simply to get round the political difficulties facing the Government in a situation where they are likely to be defeated on amendment 27 , ’ he said .
56 I am emphasising the existential quality of dramatic playing here because it is in direct contrast to the expectations of acting behaviour to be found in some educational institutions .
57 The surveys also show that older people continued to be found in some of the very worst housing .
58 The converse of the one-man system — used in some of the old county libraries , and still to be found in some authorities today — is for librarians at service points to be given virtually complete control of selection for their own stock .
59 As a result the standard of craftsmanship to be found in some and the level of enthusiasm in all of his regular students is extremely high and the range of instruments produced expanding at the time .
60 All chalks , including Belemnite chalk , are fundamentally composed of coccoliths ; the belemnites are but a tiny percentage and are also to be found in some seams of Micraster chalk to a greater or lesser degree .
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