Example sentences of "[prep] be [verb] as [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Now , the elderly man who endured a waiter 's dirty fingers in his lemonade at Montrose could hardly have been more famous or respected , and there he sits in a dirty inn , happy to enjoy a little quiet , and quite at ease to do so , even in the company of one of the most garrulous men in the realm whose nature abhorred a conversational vacuum ; Johnson even expressed a simple delight in being thought as silent as a ghost .
2 The answer to this question needs to be couched as much in curriculum terms as in assessment terms .
3 Trouble-makers were visible by reason of their demeanour and I wished to be observed as little as possible .
4 Time and time again your average punter gets ripped off by some incompetent half-wit whose main aim seems to be to sell as many boxes as he or she can .
5 The way things look now , Greece 's public sector is not going to be cut as much as it ought to be .
6 You know , and , and I I prefer something to be kept as simple as possible and not to try and erm make it too busy .
7 Office ( or business ) software is now fast coming to be recognised as able to offer as much to education as to training .
8 He also realised that condensation would be better if , immediately after steam was admitted , the cylinder were to be made as cold as possible .
9 Its demarcation from those other professional analysts who cater to the mass market , has had to be made as severe as possible .
10 Cornford himself came to be regarded as much as a typically doomed and respected idealist of his generation as a poet .
11 ‘ People do n't seem to be drinking as much and are consequently acting more sensibly . ’
12 Some of his patients were found to be drinking as many as 40 cups of tea a day !
13 To allow the naughty child to be seen as good , the good child also needs to be seen as being naughty .
14 Of the few central beliefs uniting the various post-structuralisms ( and connecting them with post/modernism ) this is one of the most important : human identity is to be seen as constituted as well as constitutive ; constituted ( not determined ) by , for example , the pre-existing structures of language and ideology , and by the material conditions of human existence .
15 What is to be done as waste volumes grow while landfill possibilities shrink ?
16 A contingency reserve of £14,000 would be held as a topping-up fund , to be deployed as necessary as the project developed .
17 Er , I ca n't quite make it out , but if the erm , the Health Authority does n't seem to be providing as much as the scheme is going to cost , is that right ?
18 Those that had not fled out of fear , political animosity to the Bolsheviks , or for lack of food and pay , were apt to be shackled as much by their own situation as by peasant recalcitrance to learn .
19 The rumbling had become a steady , low roar , that seemed to be coming as much from inside his head as from all about him .
20 Older people need to be protected as much as younger people .
21 The Faculty of Homoeopathy would certainly concur with Simon Crawford 's view that it is absolutely unethical for any medicine to be sold as natural and especially as homoeopathic if it were to include pharmacologically active ingredients , whether hormonal or otherwise .
22 They waited to be told as much , but after a few moments realized with surprise that their hosts were evidently less enthusiastic .
23 Only the first is praiseworthy for the utilitarian , since praise is essentially itself an act to be judged as good or harmful .
24 In its next , more public phase , it is likely to be dominated as much by events as by concepts .
25 The difficulty with this suggestion is that all the sceptical arguments presented , and indeed any interesting sceptical argument , seem to be directed as much against the notion of justified belief as against that of knowledge .
26 On the other hand , the social significance of the offences is likely to be set as much by prosecution policy and sentencing policy as by the label of the offence .
27 It is worth reminding ourselves , therefore , that Wittgenstein 's criticism of solipsism is intended to be aimed as much at the classic empiricist programme espoused by the classical foundationalist .
28 anyway erm and if P D er , remains a problem , or is n't gon na be addressed as far as the changes
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