Example sentences of "[prep] the government [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It does n't seem to occur to anyone that all these people going on about UFOs and the general hilarity they cause would be quite a good disguise for the government if it did want to cover up weapons testing . ’
2 Business leaders believe that the new £8.5 billion national business rate will create political and inflationary problems for the Government when it is introduced next April .
3 The same is true of the Federal Reserve in the US : ‘ the Federal Reserve mechanism is not , in fact , independent of the government but it is independent within the government ’ .
4 Our hospitals are so short of cash thanks to the shortsightedness of the Government that it 's a wonder hospitals function as well as they do .
5 What is important is to tell your readers that the Safety Authority is quite independent of the influence of Eurotunnel and of the Government when it comes to the advice we give on safety standards of the tunnel and its railway system .
6 The Company was not acting on behalf of the government when it entered into the concession agreement .
7 All that has changed over the centuries is that the monarch used to be the substantial head of the government and it is , indeed , still the case that , legally , much central government executive authority continues to reside in the monarch .
8 The paper had been running a series of articles on junior members of the Government and it was Berowne 's turn .
9 In February the USA had signed a guarantee for a loan to Israel for the housing of new immigrants , only after receiving assurances from the government that it would not use the funds for settlements in the territories [ see pp. 38023-24 ] .
10 This was the third Cabinet change since September [ see pp. 37702-03 ] and was thought to reflect growing tensions within the government as it tried to cope with military setbacks in the current civil war , an economic crisis and mounting social unrest , especially in the capital Mogadishu [ see pp. 37767-68 ] .
11 The British government possessed reserve powers , so that it could interfere in the government if it so wished .
12 It is surprising to hear that Mill does n't hold this view that he thinks that erm the moral health of the citizens is of concern to the government and it actually gives , although he does n't seem to recognize this , this gives a hostage to fortune to his conservative critics because of course they can say , did say that liberalism was very damaging of er morality of the public and so we need a far more restrictive type of regime than Mill allows us .
13 In the short term , there are various measures that would be open to the government if it wished to reduce the impact of the community charge .
14 It seemed to suggest that the GLC and the LTE must try to break even , a course which was certainly feasible if fares were sufficiently increased and services sufficiently reduced , but which was politically as unacceptable to the government as it was anathema to the GLC .
15 However , as the reality of the economic situation presses in on the government so it is inevitable that more sensible and pragmatic policies are adopted 2 or 3 years into office .
16 Pressure from Lord Scarman and others in the House of Lords forced a change on the Government when it was enacting the Police and Criminal Evidence Act .
17 The pilot thought the size of the gray-green boxes , ‘ seven metres long and one meter wide ’ was familiar , somehow ; but ‘ as long as you do n't open the boxes , you do n't know what you have … it is blessed by the government when it is being loaded , so I could n't care less what it is . ’
18 The simplest solution would be to raise grants to a civilised level and then to peg them to the movement of wages or prices , but this was not among the options considered by the government when it began to look at student funding .
19 Their common aim is to help introduce a more just and democratic society ; to bring into being the social transformation that was announced by the government as it took over the leadership of the newly independent Zimbabwe in 1980 .
20 The crisis has been created by the Government and it provides the context in which there have been tremendous implications for training .
21 This part of the Bill was supported by the Government and it is reasonable to suppose , therefore , that further legislative initiatives will be forthcoming .
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