Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun] [conj] has " in BNC.

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1 We thank you for those in Exeter who have granted permission for the work that has been done on this church building , and for the help that has been given towards the planning of the new building .
2 This company already holds the dominant position in add-on type for the PC and has now announced a product called Facelift that , like ATM , will build screen fonts on-the-fly in Windows 3.0 .
3 It was given to the Mid-Gloster Engine Preservation Society in trust for the museum and has been restored to full working order by members of the society .
4 The Neighbourhood Watch Committee provides a regular newsletter for the village and has taken over the distribution of Christmas parcels to the pensioners .
5 These races , to be contested on a rich mixture of natural and manufactured snow , offer a showcase for the versatility that has served Kronberger so well .
6 The increase for the year that has just begun is 14 per cent .
7 Let rb be the coupon and also the yield that a bond must have in order for the bond that has an issue price P ( the same as the discount security ) to have a value M at maturity ( again the same as the discount security ) .
8 Trained by the man in form Nigel Twiston-Davies , who had a double at Cheltenham , Captain Dibble has been laid out for the race and has n't run since January when he finished third behind Very Very Ordinary carrying 12 stone at Ascot .
9 If a person seeking party status has parental responsibility for the child but has not been named as a respondent , the court must grant his request .
10 Operations geophysicist Erik Havarstein has been responsible for mobilising the seismic vessel for the survey and has spent time in Lagos ensuring the technical specification and safety standards are in place for the survey .
11 Some high-class fillies contest the Group Two Sun Chariot Stakes , including Tessla ( 3.00 ) , who was winter favourite for the Oaks but has yet to win this season .
12 We thank you for those in Exeter who have granted permission for the work that has been done on this church building , and for the help that has been given towards the planning of the new building .
13 Father , we are thankful for the work that has been completed on the church building and we rejoice at the skills and abilities that have made it possible .
14 She needs to find someone or something to blame for the catastrophe that has overtaken her , so she looks for reasons , because she may not yet be ready to face up to the extremely anxiety-provoking fact that life itself is unpredictable and the world is an insecure place .
15 DAVID HIRST last night cleared Arsenal 's Steve Bould of blame for the challenge that has destroyed his England recall hopes .
16 Turner , 25 , took 53 wickets in 24 first-class matches for the county but has been overtaken by Darren Flint 's progress this season .
17 When you consider the relentless quest for the luxury that has gone into each and every one , the cost of purchasing such a lodge does not seem excessive .
18 The drivers , now cut up and veering to the Left , find voting for the party that has championed the self-employed harder to do .
19 The injustice to the home-owner is sometimes made worse by the fact that very often he has n't the money to pay for the repairs and has to borrow from the bank in order to pay the bill .
20 He is already playing for the team and has the qualities to perhaps captain France on day .
21 But the cost of his doing so has been revealed in all its starkness in the unseemly scramble for the succession that has followed his departure .
22 The significance of a fifty-year cycle in Jewish life , with the remission of debts , the release of slaves , etc. , was eventually responsible for the practice that has been followed by successive Popes , since 1300 , in declaring a Jubilee of the Roman Church every fifty years .
23 Andrew 's father , David played lock for the club and has had two two-year spells as the club president , while his mother , Kathleen , a physiotherapist at Kings Hospital , Dundee , has had a big influence , not least in ensuring speedy recovery from injury , notably from the sprung collarbone sustained in the ‘ B ’ international against Ireland on December 28 .
24 I can not say thank you enough for the effort that has gone on . ’
25 As General Manager David Lynch said , ‘ this acquisition is clearly an important step forward in developing our drains business for the future and has significantly increased our expertise in this service .
26 Viktor Korovin , who was elected director of Uralmash by its workforce last summer , says that its ‘ financial situation is very complicated ’ , by which he means that few of the company 's heavy-industrial clients can afford to pay for the machinery that has been delivered to them .
27 ‘ It 's time for the mediocrity that has governed and dominated Nineties pop music to give way to a band that can deliver what it promises , ’ declares Damien , the gold lamé-shirted singer and lead guitarist .
28 In its Easter issue he calls the brat pack ‘ appalling creatures ’ , and has a particular go at David Cameron , a rather cold , in my experience unhelpful , young man who briefed John Major daily during the campaign and has just become special adviser to Norman Lamont .
29 The Ecole 's collection was based on the works transferred from the French royal Académies during the Revolution and has been enriched by donations since that date .
30 The final part of that of John Bartholomew and Son , the geographical publishers , came during the year and has been amalgamated with earlier gifts .
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