Example sentences of "he should " in BNC.

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1 If a nonresident wishes to make a tax effective gift out of UK source income he should use a Deed of Covenant .
2 A journalist politician , Meredith Herbert , is made a minister — perhaps in order that he should be damaged by having to deal with the people on the streets ; he is , perhaps , physically beaten up .
3 But to say the truth , madam , let a man love reading never so well , when once he comes to know this tawn , he finds so many better ways of passing the four-and-twenty hours , that 't were ten thousand pities he should consume his time in that .
4 Not so much the compromises , the deceits , the hypocrisies affecting his work , his women , his children , even his friends , but the sense of despair and failure hovering over him , as though he was trapped and did n't know how it had happened or what he should or could do .
5 He should be hear in a trice , for his departure from Paddington was scheduled , I believe , for nine minutes before five . ’
6 He should insist that the correct wing is held , and direct the car or tractor driver so that they take a safe route which is clear of any hazard from dropping winch cables .
7 I think that the instructor should treat the first flight on a particular glider as if it was the first flight of the day , and on subsequent flights he should just check for full and free movement and that the surfaces are moving fully .
8 At the same time he should check that he can reach the full rudder and stick movements without undue stretching , and that cushions or other objects are not limiting the movements of the controls .
9 Nevertheless , he should try and take control and tell the other handlers what to do .
10 He should hold the down wind wing-tip a little above the horizontal and be prepared to run with it , not just balance it and let go .
11 If it is , he should hold the present attitude and stand by to lower the nose if the speed drops any further .
12 If an inexperienced pilot finds himself in a situation where a field landing seems necessary , he should make the decision to choose a field and plan the landing properly , while there is height and time to spare .
13 Also , the coach should have a comprehensive kit on hand and he should be skilled enough to use it properly .
14 He should never have gone . ’
15 He should be here by now . ’
16 His tribute was meant for Alex and Mary McLaggan , but as he sang he half turned towards Jean , he could not keep his look away from her , and as the words enveloped her she felt herself choking in a warm cocoon , her cheeks burned unbearably , he should not be doing this , it was too much in front of so many friends and strangers .
17 ‘ Well — if he hated the massacre , he should not have been at the battle . ’
18 Perhaps he should stay till Donald reappeared , help him clear the field and talk as they worked ?
19 If he was still himself , he should be able to face it .
20 It is curious that he should select such a subject for his essay , drawn from a newspaper announcement of a man 's death .
21 Such behaviour did not recommended itself to another , more discreet , influence on Leonard during those undergraduate years : Professor F.R. Scott , later Dean of the Faculty of Law , presently , while Leonard swithered and swayed as to whether he should commit himself to the arts or commerce , his lecturer in law .
22 Don , knowing he should say something , managed ‘ The horse is crooked . ’
23 I gather one of them told the President he should be downcast during his negotiations with Uridia .
24 Even I can see that he should have been implacable . ’
25 I suggest to T.W.R. from Glamorgan that if he is sick of hearing about Steffi , he should move to the moon .
26 Yet he should not weep too long because old stone face himself , Ivan Lendl , made five attempts to land a major title .
27 With the funding John Makepeace has attracted he should have no difficulty finding the students .
28 Legal precedents have established that the Secretary of State 's duty under Section 3 of the Act is qualified by an understanding that he should do so ‘ within the resources available … ’ .
29 He should remember that most ballet music until that of Tchaikovsky was based on the same time signatures , tempi and phrasing as that of fashionable court and , later , social dances i.e. waltzes , polkas , galops , minuets , gavottes , mazurkas and so on .
30 He made one as if he should try and comfort her , but turned away , walked upstage and on the balcony with his back to the audience , raised his arms widely only to drop them helplessly .
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