Example sentences of "he at " in BNC.

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1 She gazing at the sea , he at her .
2 And having met him , he at once began studying him and suffering with him : observing him ab extra and sharing the inside of his head ; hence his sense that he is both witnessing and experiencing the ‘ strange smile ’ which accompanies Raskolnikov 's surprise at his own dread of meeting his landlady .
3 Ezra would have liked to see more of Max Beerbohm , whom he at least partially admired for his wit , although of course he could not have tolerated his philosophy of life .
4 He at least , unlike his superiors in ideology in Moscow had the courage to revise his stereotyped class views in a second book he published in 1924 .
5 Burden plodded through the rain from estate agent to estate agent and he at last found Moat Hall , listed in the books of a small firm on the outskirts of the town .
6 And Mark is one of the lucky ones — he at least has somewhere to sleep .
7 When Edward Shevardnadze resigned as foreign minister , he at once set up the first privately financed think-tank in the Soviet Union , the Foreign Policy Association .
8 Unlike me , he at once felt at home in that charged , aggressive , almost militaristic atmosphere , joined heartily in the drinking and singing , and soon had all the students on his side , which was fortunate for me , because el Americano 's prestige deflected a terrible submerged violence and hatred that might well have done me harm .
9 Dickey had rebelled against his black clothes , until he was told that it would be naughty to mamma not to put them on , when he at once submitted ; and now , though he had heard Nanny say that mamma was in heaven , he had a vague notion that she would come home again tomorrow , and say that he had been a good boy and let him empty her workbox . ’
10 Taking in the titles from left to right , he at first saw little of interest:Queer Things About Egypt ; Wonderful Nests , by the Rev. J. G. Wood ; The Elements of Mechanism ; Highways and Byways in the West Country …
11 So he would accept that she thought him good , whatever she meant by it , and he at once felt a curious sense of relief and surprise within himself .
12 When Meese handed North the memorandum , he at first showed no surprise .
13 On the other hand , he at last gains well-deserved riches and a life of comfort .
14 It was , for all that , quite a struggle for Ballesteros before he at last got his game together over the closing holes for a halfway total of 143 , two ahead of Olazabal , who was one over par for the 36 holes .
15 It was in the stale stink of the sports hall at Pont Llanfraith leisure centre that he at last looked like a loser : hands thrust deep in the pockets of his best suit , face set solid with emotion , like a football manager who has just lost the Cup Final .
16 He at length quoted the evidence given by Wells , the butcher and pointed out that , if the jury believed this and the evidence of Drew 's landlady , Mrs Goodall , then it was in direct contradiction to the majority of other witnesses .
17 It seemed to him that he at last had a friend .
18 He at once set off to stay with his father in Spain , abandoning his school clothes to his mother .
19 Let's hope he is able to get in some training at his field hospital so that he at least stays in touch with his fitness .
20 When news of this reached El Cid , he at once set out for his city but already in a matter of ten days , much of what he had achieved was undone .
21 When he started ‘ writing in earnest ’ , after the war when he also joined a club for the hard of hearing which had a great effect on his life , he at first concentrated on prose , turning to the medium of poetry about 20 years later .
22 After speeding across the moors and winding through woodland he at last found her and together they flowed slowly as one out into the Hamoaze .
23 In the three years that followed , he at last found personal happiness and intellectual fulfilment , and was swiftly transformed into the brilliantly eloquent young man the greater world was soon to know .
24 If he at last comes to the conclusion that he must stand firm next time , he will need an iron determination , for it will be a long tussle ( see page 60 )
25 He has at least some degree of control over his immediate circumstances , but even if he is unable to exert control in particular cases , he at least knows that his views and decisions count .
26 Nor was he at all happy with the idea of me swanning off to France with the Parsons .
27 A tall , lanky boy , bespectacled , easy-going , very good-natured , he at all times showed a loyalty and devotion for me which I reciprocated .
28 When , on 1 January 1766 , the Old Pretender died in Rome , aged 77 , his elder son assumed the title of Charles III and six years later he at last married , but his wife bore no children .
29 The casualty rate so far was no more than might have been expected from the hazardous nature of the operation , and although he could not , in all honesty , say he was in command of the whole ship , he at least held the strategic upper hand .
30 Mr Spedding said he at least would continue the tradition , ‘ while I am able to stagger up the stairs ’ .
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