Example sentences of "on i " in BNC.

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1 Why Martha transferred the money before she put her apron on I do n't know — I suppose it 's just that everyone has their own little routines for doing things .
2 On I went .
3 When I first put the boots on I found them surprisingly stiff — given this solid feel I wondered why there was n't a traditional square cut heel on what 's quite a heavily cleated waterproof sole .
4 Thirty years on I saw it again , when I started going to the Aegean .
5 If there was a light on I could find my way out easy , but it 's too dark and confusing .
6 On I Crush Bozo and My Skin Covers My Body , Happy Flowers take hardcore back to its primal matrix of unrequited desire and disproportionate rage : infancy 's uncontrolled appetites for oral and anal gratification , its delusions of omnipotence , its terror of the breakdown of the borderline between identity and the primal abjection out of which it 's formed .
7 But although their vocals were not really intended as more than light relief , many of these players had the knack of making a song more memorable and enjoyable than many a proper singer can — as Eldridge does on Shoe Shin Swing , Gillespie on I 'm Beboppin' Too , Hot Lips Page on Take Your Shoes Off Baby .
8 Step 4 If the problems are different for each side or the solutions each side wants do not coincide then the bargaining is likely to be one involving conflict , that is based on I win , you lose .
9 But whatever it was , from that moment on I had no respect for it .
10 ‘ With the power on I began investigating some of these control panels .
11 ‘ The only reason I ever played Les Pauls was because Keith was playing a Strat and I thought we should have a different look , but from about 1985 on I 've played Strats .
12 He said , ‘ Man , look , this is the amp , ’ and from that point on I did n't look back .
13 Money is tight so we need to be quite clear on I mean for instance I mean the seats have been recovered you know people smoking in the seats when they should n't be smoking and putting they 're putting their cigarette 's out on the floor I do n't know
14 I did n't have to think ‘ Well , if I put that dress on I 'll only get it dirty because the baby will be sick over me ’ — to be dressed up all day and feel you can be clean and only have nice jobs to do and always be with people …
15 I think that it is n't a general skill it at needs to be commented on , I think that it needs to commented on I think that it ought to be commented on in the comment box .
16 He grew up in a depressed community and would never forget what he saw there : ‘ I used to watch the wheel of the pit spin round year after year , after school and Saturdays and Sundays ; and then from 1926 on I watched it not turning at all , and I ca n't ever get that wheel out of my mind . ’
17 Each one of us was beckoned over to have a go when it was my turn I rushed over and put the tanks on I then submerged It felt strange breathing under water like a fish the bubble emitted from the regulator trickled up the side of my face .
18 Er I felt , I 've been after Danny for nearly twelve months to come see and not been able to get him on the night I want him the only night he was able , was available was I think it was one night when we had something else on I ca n't remember what it was .
19 Right , I want to pick up on I 've started looking at your tests , the history of language ones and I 've actually marked only the section where you actually re-wrote the er , early modern English extract , and I want to pick up on that instantly , and talk about that and the ways you you , the way you can go around , no I 'm not gon na give you that .
20 ‘ Now I 'll go back and tell that silly little receptionist what a silly little toad he is too and if he does n't turn over the keys to the apartment that I booked and paid a deposit on I 'll scream all the way to his boss . ’
21 And for obvious reasons if there is an athletics programme on I make sure I watch it .
22 However , 40 years on I find it extremely difficult to accept a charge of £23.50 plus for a medal to commemorate your service to your country .
23 But I suppose you 've like on I suppose you 've got used to it .
24 it 's a pity cos I mean if we put , if , if Billy went away on I could use it
25 but then on the erm , Saturday , and the , that 's , and then on I say then on the bloody Friday night what happened he fell out the bed I phoned
26 Well one of us will remember whoe , I mean , the thing is , I 've so much on I could
27 And literally , I got , but I was got so little on I felt that if I did n't do some extra
28 And you do n't need to mark the one twenty on I mean you can do if you like .
29 It 's not on I swear .
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