Example sentences of "be into " in BNC.

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1 It seemed possible that she might be into chucking men over her shoulder and spifflicating them .
2 Ferdinando was far too old , but only mention the cause and he would be into his old daydreams , seeing himself at the head of a column moving relentlessly on the Austrians .
3 This Pro-hib-ition , or whatever they call it , is comin' , you mark my words , or the Tally boys would n't be into other ‘ arrangements ’ , as they say , and lookin' to buy cellars and hidey-holes and places behind walls , if ye follow me .
4 No no , the idea of something communal , and spontaneous , she said , which sounded like the ‘ it ’ of any other bag you might be into .
5 Thereafter they would be into the East March , and following the enemy would be less straightforward , with the country opening out and various routes possible — into the Merse , down the Scots side of Tweed , down the English side , or southwards into the Till valley of Northumberland .
6 I know it 's a cliché to be into Derrick May , but I am .
7 UK , Dudley-based open systems outfit , Largotim Holdings Ltd , has opened up in Ireland following the acquisition of Irish firm , Radiant Ltd , formerly part of Radius plc : Largotim says its next move will be into Eastern Europe .
8 And at the end of the day you would be into relating what people do in their job descriptions to whether you were getting value for money from those members of staff .
9 And you 'd be into time and motion and so on which I 'm sure Semina you could erm appreciate and comment on as well .
10 In some areas urban pressure on the periphery creates additional problems because expansion may be into areas of considerable landscape value .
11 He said , ‘ There 's absolutely nothing to see and it 's awfully full of nettles ’ ; at the same moment Jean Powers was saying noisily that not a solitary soul had been into the Britches in years and the village wondered what Edward got up to in there — ha ha ! — some people said he must be into black magic , or maybe he was growing cannabis .
12 We were almost into November now and I did n't need to be an expert navigator to work out from the charts , and the Admiralty Pilot lying open on the chart table , that to be into the south of the Weddell Sea in time to take maximum advantage of the summer loosening of the pack we would need to be away not later than end-November .
13 I think you 'll find that all on the back side , and those bricks will be into the lintel at the back .
14 No , no , cos you had , see they , these big people they did n't wan na be into it they same getting their money , like and and , , , they did n't want strikes .
15 From now on , any running she did would be into his arms .
16 Obviously sometimes not all ten of the possible subclasses are necessary , so that subdivision of a subject may be into less than ten subclasses .
17 Whereas it was hoped that this would be brought to the Council by the end of November , it may now be into 1993 before the first draft is presented to the Planning and Development Committee .
18 Who knows , the next foray may be into the south .
19 Most of your harvest 's in the barns , your folk will be into the towns and the peel towers at a word , cattle and all , what 's to lose ?
20 ‘ You really seem to be into it .
21 This decision was criticized by ecology groups , including the environmental organization Greenpeace , because research was to be into developing the traditional pressurized water reactor , rather than into what were considered safer forms .
22 ‘ What about this psychological offender-profiling you 're all supposed to be into nowadays ?
23 By this time the woman will be into the second stage of labour .
24 These may be into existing degree schemes in the same college or another , into specially planned third-year academic or professional courses , or into employment ’ .
25 I checked my watch as I dialled : 9.15 , which meant the admin shift should be into their first tea-break by now .
26 ‘ I never thought he 'd be into Acid House , but there must be something . ’
27 Richardson would be into it .
28 erm strike out , interim payment , order fourteen er itself , there 's always still available to them , erm that the other side of the coin is if they get their money and of course they 're going to be threatening bankruptcy for some four thousand odd Names , I mean that 's , that 's equally devastating to individuals , erm my Lord , one would be into a type of argument on balance of convenience if we were at this stage , one would be considering the bankruptcy of the names , whether they have the funds to pay , even if judgment is given against them because vast majority do n't and what would be the point of giving judgment , this order fourteen cases saying one should n't do it in those circumstances , what if the names are right , will they get the money back , will they get a cross undertaking damages and pre er , er and to what extent do now have the funds , to what extent will it actually effect their business in the light of of
29 I 'm arranging to go and see him , it 'll be into next month now when
30 We seem to be into the season of awards and I was here only the other night for the Bafta awards , so I 'm making a habit of it . ’
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