Example sentences of "with [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 the Chief Officer do n't quote me by it embarrass er I 've had with carried out on a larger sum other than that available .
2 I MISS My War at the Almeida is a first play in English by Iraj Jannatie Ataie , an exiled Iranian poet who was a political prisoner under the Shah 's regime and whose A Cry With Sewn Lips ( in Farsi ) made a moving impression at the Theatre Upstairs four years ago .
3 The back length of the pack is fixed with sewn in shoulder straps .
4 There are one or two slight discrepancies in the article ; for example every crew I flew with operated with four Air Gunners , more than half the co-pilots flight sergeant air engineers , one of my skippers was a Flying Officer and I 'm sure that there were at least another four .
5 Yes , well with seen it once before , but that was at Bromley .
6 Fortunately the people he was working with noticed and cut the rope before he choked .
7 But I have never seen a gang-fight , as such , with grown men involved .
8 mhm Elizabeth Howell , is that along the lines that you deal with grown ups down there at Exploring Parenthood ?
9 I have a picture in my mind still of endless queues of captives waiting under guard to mount the steps of the Aztec temples where the priests of Huitzilopochtli stood waiting with obsidian stone knives , hands and faces black with caked blood , their robes stiff with it , as they worked industriously to open up each human chest , extract the still-palpitating heart , offering it to their filthy god , then tossing the torn-open body back down the steps to the waiting warriors below , who hacked it into joints for the ritual cannibalism that ensured both the pleasures of the flesh and added prowess from the absorption of the captive joint into their own live bodies .
10 It features a 2.2″ screen with built in aerial , weighs as little as 8oz and comes complete with a protective soft case and batteries .
11 A simple series of steps to establish if the situation is one with built in conflict is as follows :
12 ACOUSTIC guitar with built in pickup , good condition , £80 for quick sale .
13 It is intended to be the first in a family of products — Amstrad suggests an A4 colour version for architects , a desktop feature-phone with pen-screen , and in-car version with built in CD that would project the user 's position on a map through data collected by global positioning satellite .
14 For the less scrupulous , this has become the age of the worker with built in obsolescence .
15 But there are no workmen available to dig and pick the necessary hole through the bus platform , tar mac , gas pipes and hard core to allow this ecological flow so the matter rests on the bus platform — and keep fit classes are hastily arranged with coughed
16 As soon as a key was inserted it rang a loud alarm bell and palace guards would rush in with drawn swords .
17 RIOT police with drawn batons charged into English soccer hooligans twice during last night 's international with Spain .
18 The most dramatic , of a swaggering Mars with drawn sword ( lot 33 ) , had suffered from the deterioration of the iron gall ink used by the artist .
19 The French Dragoons crossed the frontier with drawn swords , but the weapons served no purpose other than to dignify the moment with a suitable melodrama , for there was not so much as a single Dutch customs officer to oppose the invasion .
20 The stallion stumbled and Sharpe almost fell , and when he recovered himself he saw that the Frenchman had swerved off the road and , with drawn sabre , was charging straight for him .
21 Some miles from Nuneaton , as the train jolted with drawn blinds between an embankment , the man gave an audible sob .
22 He listened to this late embassage with drawn brows , and eyes looking inward .
23 However the link was not lost , and the hope grew in Israel that one day God would raise up a prince of the Davidic line for whom the Spirit would be no passing enduement , to be bestowed and with drawn as he joined his predecessors in disobedience .
24 The rabbis believed that when the Holy Spirit was with drawn from Israel at the end of the prophetic era , God left them with a substitute , the bath qol , which means literally ‘ daughter of the voice ’ or ‘ echo ’ .
25 You can link object with drawn lines that are constrained in some way or other .
26 with drawn swords on this bucking deck ,
27 Two more cops came clattering up the stairs with drawn guns .
28 Philip ap Ivor stood staring down into the blank cavity for a long moment with drawn brows and tight lips .
29 The gearbox selected neutral as Patrese went through a quick left-hander , a problem which he could have coped with had the mechanism not decided to offer him , without warning , second gear half-way through .
30 These are just the quantities such as found above with replaced by the transform variable — .
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