Example sentences of "that did " in BNC.

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1 She told me it was your smile that did it .
2 But I was offering a meal that did n't run any cholesterol risks .
3 ‘ I noticed a teaching job in Sheffield that did n't look too bad . ’
4 ‘ He means , ’ said Rita , slowly , in her loud classroom voice , ‘ anyone could walk in as long as he or she were not carrying a package that did look suspicious . ’
5 Last year the judges debated at length how to mark entries that did not follow the drawings to the letter , but showed evidence of good economical production turning techniques .
6 But Raskolnikov 's nightmare calls to mind one that did , namely The Possessed , while the specific link between ‘ as men possessed ’ ( besnovatimi ) and The Possessed ( Besi , literally The Devils ) is inescapably obvious — just as the word ‘ Socialism ’ which Dostoevsky has written against the beast in Revelation coming out of the earth with horns like a lamb and speech like a dragon shows the general way his thoughts are tending .
7 Allen , who has missed the last four games , said : ‘ I must admit I was a little concerned and went to see the same specialist that did the operation on my groin before .
8 When there is nothing above your head but the bracing T-bar — fitted as much to provide body rigidity as to anticipate US safety regulations that did not materialise — so much the better .
9 ‘ The place that did give him a job was the Irish Catholic paper The Standard , which had a very funny editor who just liked to drink most of the day and was amused by Patrick and hired him as film critic .
10 To shouts of ‘ shame ’ , the Secretary of State went on : ‘ Protest all you want Mr Kinnock , wave as many red roses as you want , those were members of your party that did that , and the country must never forget it . ’
11 If the side that did duty this week trots out in the Italian sunshine in June , it will have an average age of 29½ , which is ill-suited to the punishing conditions of a concentrated tournament in midsummer .
12 Some respondents knew from the beginning that she was Catholic , and those that did not soon learnt about it .
13 However , it is important to recall the full list , in order to emphasize the factors that did not influence perceptions .
14 No doubt a few treated awareness as implied approval , but for most people that did not seem to be so .
15 As in the recent past , and as was to be the case with much greater frequency after the start of the Five-Year Plans , planners in Moscow drew up neat and rather abstract formulations that did not match up closely with local realities and timings .
16 It was small and poky , the carpet stank of sweat from all the bands that had rehearsed there over the years , the floor was rotten and covered with fungus More unpleasant smells came from the toilet that did n't work and the leaking skylight which let in so much rain the whole place was always damp .
17 It argued that of the half million British troops overseas , 200,000 were in areas that did not create a foreign currency liability , and of the rest few were in areas requiring direct dollar expenditure ; ‘ it follows that the contribution to be made to the balance of payments problem by the withdrawal of troops in overseas theatres will be strictly limited , will apply only to those areas when there is at present a currency obligation , and will produce little or no direct dollar saving . '
18 They were in neither half of the house , but in a space that did not really exist for Maggie , who never asked herself which half the house was whose , since the whole house was , for her , theirs .
19 Moran asked with a heartiness that did n't suit him .
20 Then , how long before somebody proposes giving points for undersized fish that did not make the undersize fish measure ?
21 A guide that did n't .
22 No , no that did n't fit the description of anything we had ever seen or heard about .
23 The difficulty is most apparent when discussing the Renaissance since by hypostatising science and art as two separate and separable activities Kemp is framing a problem that did not exist for the historical actors .
24 We were invited to drive the cars in west Germany where the smooth road surface always flatters cars ' suspensions , but even when we nipped into what used to be east Germany and drove on roads that did not seem to have been maintained since the war , the G40 's bump suppression was admirable .
25 You had to look hard to find a car that did n't boast an £80,000-plus price sticker , plus a 200mph-plus top speed or , as was usually the case , both .
26 That gave me a big shock that did , and after that I used to move away if he came too close to me .
27 And there was scarcely a shirt to be found that did not have the high necks and ruffles that she favoured in the early days .
28 Why , asked the Prince , was Britain the only country in Europe that did not have some kind of community service .
29 Of the two European companies that did become members , Méliès had built its fortunes around the genius of one innovative filmmaker , whereas Pathé had deliberately set out on an internationalist path , making films not only in France but also in Britain , the US , Italy , Germany , Russia and Japan .
30 She will attack the Hague declaration , a French initiative signed on March 12 , this year , where 24 heads of state proposed a UN agency empowered to impose sanctions on governments that did not reduce emissions of greenhouse gases .
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