Example sentences of "not [been] " in BNC.

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1 They have not been charged or tried and may be imprisoned because of their nationality , in retaliation for the Ugandan authorities alleged support of the armed opposition group , the Rwandese Patriotic Front .
2 She has not been seen since .
3 ‘ It is more difficult to be precise about this than about the earlier phases , partly because the pictures are rarer and less accessible , and have not been adequately photographed , partly because it includes considerable variations . ’
4 David listened and frankly avowed that he had not been conscious of all these grand ideas .
5 Mathematical perspective of a Renaissance sort had not been used in European medieval art , where the size of a figure often derives from the person 's importance , God the father never being small .
6 There is no biographical key with which it can be unlocked — and I have not been trying to turn one in this essay of mine , which does not believe it , for that matter , to be locked .
7 Having worked on interview panels with the now defunct ILEA I can say that the object has not been to block the drama school selection so much as to see that the grant is well justified .
8 You may smile , but does freedom of the press mean freedom to choose its own standards ? … down , as I would have been obliged to do had it not been burned down during the state of emergency which followed independence .
9 I could n't understand why I 'd not been killed when there were so many others who …
10 The purpose of detailing the relationship between the Irish constitution and the papal teaching of the period has not been to ridicule seemingly outdated church — state dispositions .
11 The reason given was that children would not be religiously and educationally prepared for the reception of Holy Communion and Confirmation because they had not been educated at a catholic school , irrespective of their parents ' alternative provisions : in one area , parents had set up their own Sunday schools as an alternative .
12 I realized I had not been fair to myself .
13 Dear Harsnet , he wrote , I want simply to tell you that work on your notes connected with the Big Glass is at last under way and that I have remained scholarly and impartial throughout what has not been an easy task , in view of what you say about me and especially about my family , and which you must have known would give offense .
14 Something which had not been there three years ago now existed .
15 Had not been ready to feel ? )
16 And Nicholson 's have not been slow to realise the commercial potential of this classic heritage ; Langford & Williams ' design brief from them was to restore what could be restored and to reinstate in sympathy with the building where necessary .
17 Importing the ingredients through wholesalers has not been a problem .
18 After three weeks at his new contract , Cole has not been home before 8.30 in the evening once , so the idea that all contract catering chefs work nine-to-five is a fallacy .
19 The difference between most ARC members and professional chefs , male or female , is that the former have not been through ‘ the system ’ .
20 He had not been impaled , but the spike had been driven far upwards from near his throat before his body had slumped clear .
21 Bramble was forty-five and had not been thus addressed for almost a quarter of a century .
22 A few years back , I bought an old desk at an auction and , when I got it home , found that the drawers had not been emptied by its previous owner .
23 Clearly he had not been expecting a confrontation .
24 ‘ It sounds as though life 's not been too easy for you since then . ’
25 I worried all night , lest the listing in the local paper and in the Order of St John country handbook had not been enough .
26 I have not been able to find any reference to pruning it , although I have cut out any dead wood found in the spring .
27 Also , the pilot will be in very good flying form and his instructor will have made sure that he has not been getting into bad habits .
28 The risk can be reduced by flying in the low tow position below the wake , but it still has some disadvantages and towing in this position has not been generally adopted in Europe or elsewhere .
29 Pilots who are frightened or apprehensive about stalling have not been properly trained and could be a risk to themselves and their passengers if they obtain their licence without overcoming their problem .
30 If you have not been vaccinated already , see your doctor now and ask him to check whether you are immune to German Measles .
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