Example sentences of "for week " in BNC.

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1 For weeks on end through late summer and autumn the large lavender-blue , gold-eyed daisies are displayed on branching stems up to 3ft tall .
2 The most common complication is a prolonged and often uncomfortable pain which can last for weeks or even months .
3 ‘ We have no idea who his father was and his mother , while not actually wild , was roaming around the compound for weeks , ’ Dave said .
4 For weeks life was very difficult as they both tried not to upset each other , even slightly .
5 East Germans now have to wait for weeks or even months for replies to their applications for visas to Hungary , through which more than 31,000 have escaped since August .
6 For weeks the newspapers had been full of stories about it , with , over and over again , people describing how well they lived in this country , how much they loved their homeland , how they did everything to strengthen East German socialism — as if there were not several thousand people leaving the country in a panic at the time .
7 The training at Achnacarry did not include living for weeks on end in a hole in the ground subjected to constant mortaring and sniper fire .
8 For weeks afterwards I prayed for her , though I 'm not religious and she seemed as fit as ever .
9 Though he had lived for weeks for this hour he now felt a wild surge of resentment towards McQuaid as he came into his own house .
10 We had men in the town for weeks .
11 He had several pets : a grey cat Maria , Shep the sheepdog who went everywhere with him over the fields , several birds including a lame pigeon that he loved to tease Maria with ; and one spring he reared a wild duck from the egg of an abandoned nest and was upset for weeks after the October day it finally flew away .
12 ‘ We 've had good weather for weeks now .
13 In extreme cases , say of a family from the remote rural areas of Azad Kashmir , if the mother has just had a baby , it is known for daughters of twelve to stay at home from school for weeks , do all the cooking , look after the younger children and generally run the home .
14 In reality , deterrent operations might last for weeks or even months , but the AMF(L) must exercise as a fighting force if it is to prove its worth .
15 He 's been there for weeks and I could have done the whole thing in a couple of days .
16 He was drinking like a fish , and had been for weeks .
17 Ministry knew of lead in milk ‘ for weeks ’ .
18 AGRICULTURE ministry and Milk Marketing Board officials knew for weeks that milk contaminated with lead was on sale , Whitehall sources indicated yesterday .
19 He walked around for weeks wired to a police tape recorder , and spent hours admitting his past indiscretions to investigators in the US and UK in an outpouring probably not rivalled since Don Juan went into the confessional .
20 The train was booked solid for weeks , and there was the Greyhound … ‘ that 's your cheapest option , ’ said our friends in Seattle , ‘ but you might be sitting with child molesters . ’
21 THEY had been nit-picking for weeks .
22 In most big cities advertisements for workers , from plumbers to car mechanics , go unanswered for weeks .
23 A leasehold estate is measured by a fixed period of time ; it is often called a term of years , though a tenancy for weeks or months is equally a leasehold .
24 She battled for weeks to get the compound manager to fix the leak .
25 Anthony tended the canvas for weeks , watering the relevant spot discreetly with a sponge .
26 Gina read Eleanor 's stories in bed every night for weeks .
27 He kept it there for weeks , later transferring the number to his Filofax .
28 Seems like I been dead to the world for weeks !
29 And so you carry on , with what is probably the first conversation that person has had for weeks .
30 In many areas , it may cause problems ; putting in vegetables like Japanese onions or ‘ Imperial Winter ’ lettuces so early means they have to survive in the ground for weeks longer than they do elsewhere .
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