Example sentences of "a way " in BNC.

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1 The long-promised higher frequency Vikings that would go a ways to proving Sparc 's scalability are supposed to be producible by the end of the fourth quarter or the first part of the new year , according to TI .
2 And er that er very often the criminal fraternity are looking at it as a ways and means of getting out of coming to court .
3 We just popped out to get a beer and a burger , down-state a ways .
4 Not close , out a ways , as if giving themselves room to move around in .
5 He was sitting his roan horse on this side of the street but down a ways .
6 Secondly , the formal analysis which is second nature to a Western critic can be fruitful , even though it could be argued that this is a way of interpreting the objects of an unfamiliar culture rather than a description .
7 But they are a reality which Naipaul treats in such a way that they , too , can at times seem phantasmagorical .
8 Salim is an Aeneas who makes it to London , where those of his blood are founding a way of life , and he has his Dido both in Yvette and in Metty .
9 We may be meant to think that time is simultaneous , in a way that may owe something to the simultaneity propounded , ‘ perhaps ’ , in Eliot 's Four Quartets , where ‘ History is now and England ’ ; or that it is cyclical , a turning wheel , with human depravity paling into insignificance as the wheel turns into modern times .
10 Klima 's first loves have a way of not working out ; and what may have been his longest affair is the one about which least is said .
11 A linguistic point was made in the course of the review — that Julian Ormerod 's lounge-bar slang is ‘ continuous , in a way , with Patrick 's cool utterance ’ — and the review also made out that Ormerod 's overdone good heart is continuous , in a way , with Jenny 's .
12 A linguistic point was made in the course of the review — that Julian Ormerod 's lounge-bar slang is ‘ continuous , in a way , with Patrick 's cool utterance ’ — and the review also made out that Ormerod 's overdone good heart is continuous , in a way , with Jenny 's .
13 Thinking about women is a way of avoiding the thought of death — and yet women may be the end of you .
14 The Facts is able to treat the historical conditioning of Portnoy 's Complaint in a way in which the novel itself was not in a position to do .
15 But it would also appear to know its own place in history in a way which an exercise of the furious imagination in art can sometimes seem to prevent .
16 The film is therefore built up in pieces , a process which makes particular demands of an actor — who is also vulnerable to technical problems with cameras , lighting and editing in a way which is quite removed from the stage actor 's experience .
17 Either way , the main intention will be to establish a way of working , and to begin assessing students ' voice and movement abilities .
18 In drama schools , improvisation is about finding a way of expanding the imagination and liberating the senses , which can get too confined if students work entirely from a text all the time .
19 It centres the classical traditions in a way that no other kind of training can do .
20 So in a way we never stop training .
21 And that means in a way one never stops working .
22 That the audition process was one that examined you totally — your private behaviour as well as your theatrical ability , the two feeding into each other to find a way to suit the requirements of the part and the particular aspects that were being looked at by the director , Michael Blakemore .
23 New actors need to try and widen their range all the time and in the same breath find a way of being commercially as well as artistically viable .
24 Of course you can not teach confidence but you can teach a way of acquiring it .
25 Playing Richard III combines both of these features for you in a way that makes your point .
26 Oh , much ; just like the profession itself in a way .
27 These were to be intermediary between capital and labour and based precisely upon types of vocational expertise in a way similar to medieval guilds ( Leo XIII 1903 : 240–7 ; Pius XI 1931 : 32–4 ) .
28 It is almost as if the catholic Irish people become a people of God in Old Testament terms , in a way similar to the Northern Calvinists , a people which have overriding power to set up their domain .
29 Our civilization has at least this to its credit , he wrote , that it has found a way of rounding up this dishonest crap and incarcerating it in morgues , in fortified places with guards and alarm bells and the rest , thus keeping it off the streets , protecting decent citizens , and now , he wrote , there are even moves afoot to repel intruders by making them pay hard cash to enter these fortified places .
30 I like the sense of its filling the room and yet also , in a way , of its being non-existent .
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