Example sentences of "a good " in BNC.

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1 Its main function , however , appears to be to present a better image of Sri Lanka to the outside world .
2 The women are the vessels of a better spirit ; the injury to them is greater , and it is their own men who are responsible for some of that injury .
3 We need to be of ‘ now ’ and maybe that 's a better way of playing ‘ then ’ .
4 Do you think there 's a better means of selection , other than what seem generally to be regarded as a rather barbaric system ?
5 Perhaps ‘ salvation by grace , experienced in listening to the preaching or reading of the biblical word , and in affirming the literal interpretation of that word ’ might be a better if clumsier phrase .
6 In fact , he wrote , I suspect that I will produce a better edition , one more worthy of its subject , now I have had time to mull over its implications and to watch the blossoming of your reputation .
7 And when I 'm with the other I just feel myself to be a better person .
8 He told them to leave her be , she was in a better state to understand him than anyone else there .
9 In York , one of the country 's major historic and tourist centres and the city best known to this writer , the visitor 's search for some genuine experience of a better , bygone England will find little reward inside most of the old city 's public houses .
10 Commenting on the Heathrow installation , BAA Hotels managing director Jeremy Logie said : ‘ The primary role of technology is to give the guest a better experience at the hotel .
11 HOTECH 91 , the technology exhibition for the industry , offers the solutions to help you run a better business .
12 No wine region is a better case study of the new Italy than Friuli-Venezia Giulia .
13 It bottles only 4% of its production under the Cellaro label , paying growers a bonus for healthier grapes with a better balance of sugar and acidity .
14 Tomorrow , if I could find a better medium , I would throw away cinema .
15 If I 'd been a union member I might have held out for a better offer or some redundancy money , but I was n't , so that was that .
16 Admittedly I was depressed again — no , not depressed exactly , low would be a better word .
17 Your plants will need time to become really well established to give them a better chance of surviving a harsh winter .
18 Below 1,500 feet , the maps should be ignored and priority should be given to checking for suitable fields below while also searching for lift , re-checking on the local wind direction and moving towards a better area of fields if necessary .
19 Keep re-checking the field and reselect if a better one becomes apparent .
20 You do not need a complete conventional circuit with a long downwind leg , although this will obviously give you more time in which to have a better look at the field .
21 It is also worthwhile attempting the occasional no airbrake touch down to get a better idea of how far your glider will float .
22 If that 's not a new start to a better life , what is ?
23 It is very important not to drink early in the pregnancy , but even if you give up drinking later it will give your baby a better chance .
24 It is more common in older women but , if the small changes are discovered early , there is a better chance of a successful recovery — and less likelihood of serious surgery .
25 In the end , only the action is viable , so that all these essays tend to match the inside ethnography and are nullified by neglect or have any contentious matter treated as ‘ privileged information ’ , for as Templeton ( 1980 : 904 ) argues ‘ the police fear that if you have a better understanding of society , you are in a better position to change it — the very exercise [ they ] are reluctant to engage in ’ .
26 In the end , only the action is viable , so that all these essays tend to match the inside ethnography and are nullified by neglect or have any contentious matter treated as ‘ privileged information ’ , for as Templeton ( 1980 : 904 ) argues ‘ the police fear that if you have a better understanding of society , you are in a better position to change it — the very exercise [ they ] are reluctant to engage in ’ .
27 A subjective element in the account provides a better potential to unravel the semantic patterns which structure the maintenance of this executive unit of power .
28 A better version of reality is that although the quality of ‘ capture ’ has tremendous semantic significance for both uniform policeman and detective , it rarely leads to large numbers of detections for the monthly , quarterly , or annual reports .
29 You sell your time for money to have a better time in the unsold hours .
30 ‘ Come on , Miss Dyke , ’ said Jamie , ‘ let's have a ripalong-a-Lucy session and see if we ca n't shoosh you m-to a better frame of mind .
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