Example sentences of "a make " in BNC.

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1 Readers will work hard at a text if they need to know something about their favourite football player or team , if they want to know about their favourite singer or group , if they want information for a project that really interests them , or if they need information a make something or improve their performance in some way .
2 draw a line of vowels and see if I mate a make a word or something .
3 They were on a make up system sort of thing where they had a wage but it was n't the wage that the the piece work squad would have .
4 Detection was by flame ionisation using hydrogen and air at 290°C together with helium as a make up gas to improve the detection limit .
5 right so if you er draw a make sure you have got at least half a page , right , you are going to be drawing two quite familiar diagrams , right , you er , first of all just draw a normal total product curve , what we are going to do , because we are looking at a fixed level of output , sorry fixed level of capital what we are going to be analysing is the relationships between the total product of labour , the average product of labour , and the marginal product of labour , right , for a given level of capital okay , so the total product curve just tells us what happens to output as we increase the level of our variable factor labour keeping capital fixed at some constant constant level
6 It 's a make your own raft .
7 Me got a make a
8 Doing it make a make a fortune doing it
9 EUROPE has been treated to high comedy for the past few weeks as governments , corporations and journalists have fallen all over each other in a made game of find-the barrels .
10 Afterwards he hacked her quietly home and was further amazed that she responded to his legs and hands and had the perfect mouth and balance of a made polo pony .
11 Nylon is made waterproof during the weaving process using a high temperature/oven baking method which can not be repeated on a made up tent .
12 The commission looks to be an inspired choice on the part of New York 's Metropolitan Opera House , who will stage the premiere in October 1992 , for Glass is one of the few contemporary composers who could claim to have a made a journey in any way comparable to that of Columbus .
13 They would build you a made to measure rod for less than half the price of a shop-bought article .
14 hi again — as we ( norway ) once again prepare for a clash against Poland i thought i bring an update on a posting a made some weeks ago .
15 We have that many er applications I mean I 've just gone through A division and I 've got er a pile of cards literally an inch thick with people a made an initial inquiry or b they 've been furnished with questionnaires and not been returned , so I 'm sending those er right through the divisions
16 And when we come to resolution six er , there is only one district council which has a made a nomination for the erm moderator for general assembly for ninety three , ninety four ?
17 It is a made to a British standard which you can tell when you buy anything like that by the kite mark on the side .
18 that have a made to measure outfit , how often that people have
19 It 's going to be actually quite a , quite a ride because the Ridgeway is n't exactly a made up road is it ?
20 Stepping forward to get a firmer grip , I trod on the rake whose handle leapt up , giving me a nasty crack on the brow and a making me stagger , knocking a bottle of systemic insecticide on to the floor , where it shattered and spread a nauseating puddle at my feet .
21 The reason why Excel is different is that it distinguishes between a making an investment and borrowing money .
22 To make , to make a to make an even number six or something
23 or jolly , happy makes a makes the E sound usually .
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