Example sentences of "and said " in BNC.

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1 The authorities promised early elections , and said the former president and others arrested would be brought to trial .
2 ‘ One day he returned home to Chamalières and said I had a job with Michel and Pierre for £1.50 a month .
3 Mr Clancy was not impressed by this scientific distraction , and said so .
4 Mary peeped in to get another look at those wonderful moustaches and said to herself that they were nothing like corkscrews , more like one of those curved oriental swords that would cut right through you .
5 ‘ The doctor had visited the man earlier in the day and said he would be back later that night when he thought the pneumonia would have reached its crisis . ’
6 When the news did become public , colleagues who had avoided speaking to me when the going got tough reappeared and said how sorry they were that I was leaving .
7 Jenny poured forth a stream of ‘ brilliants ’ ’ and said she was going to drive down to Harwich that evening .
8 Then one lady wrote and said that the ladies of the local church should do it for us .
9 People left smiling and as I passed one lady on her way down the hill she grinned at me and said ‘ Perfick ’ !
10 Jeremy smiled with Lucy 's elfin charm , stretched , yawned and said :
11 Lucy hopped into her car , rolled the window down — a kiss ? — and said :
12 And she sort of sniffed and said , really shaky , fun ? that would be nice .
13 Francis just made a tragi-comic face and said :
14 He turned to Menzies and said , ‘ Who all is here ?
15 He looked with displeasure at the frantic figure of his wife and said tersely to the housekeeper , ‘ Mrs McDougal , have you no smelling salts ?
16 Abruptly the laird smiled , looking from face to face along the front row , and said , ‘ Well , well — it is a fine morning for it .
17 Finally Cameron turned back to the table and said , ‘ We have agreed on a text .
18 He stood up , stony-faced , and was turning to the door when James Menzies held up his hand and said , ‘ Wait — wait — that is only half the business . ’
19 The laird waited for it to finish and said scornfully , ‘ How can I do that ?
20 He smiled straight into Menzies ' smouldering look and said , ‘ Will you swear to this ? ’
21 The young man scanned the paper , held it out , and as James 's fingers reached for it , dropped it , eyed him , and said in a carrying voice , ‘ I see you are mad , but does even a lunatic suppose that one of His Majesty 's officers would bind himself to oppose the law and refrain from arresting criminals ? ’
22 Cameron pretended not to see young Donald till he was close beside him , then turned in mock surprise and said to him , ‘ Well well , Donald — we had given you up .
23 He saw their questioning looks and said , ‘ No bother , no bother at all .
24 Angus Cameron stood up on the oak stump which Donald used as a chopping-block , held out his hand to each part of the crowd as though drawing them into the circuit of the ceremony , and said , at first quietly , then gaining volume as he felt the truth of his words : ‘ Alexander McLaggan , Mary Stewart — you love each other , and must wed each other , and that is right and good .
25 There were cries of applause and as they died down Donald Stewart turned to Cameron and said , ‘ Now , Angus , let us hear from you . ’
26 Cameron looked at Menzies and said , ‘ James — what will come of today 's work ? ’
27 Menzies started to answer but Cameron put his hand on his arm , shook his head slightly , and said to Byers , ‘ I see the trouble .
28 With a great qualm mining at him inwardly , Cameron got up on a tree stump and said his piece .
29 She took him by the hands and said eagerly , ‘ Don — we could live here — it is right for us — would you like that , Don ? ’
30 Up at the old house , Donald kicked the kettle in a spasm of impatience and said angrily to Jean , ‘ Why are you putting me in a vice ?
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