Example sentences of "and is " in BNC.

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1 Professionally-based community care is here to stay and is increasingly needed , backed by access to respite and long stay hospice beds and acute ward facilities .
2 ACET has already been drawn overseas and is working in Romania , Uganda and Tanzania , in partnership with local church-based projects and in conjunction with government programmes .
3 AIDS affects over 160 countries and is now taking an increasingly heavy toll .
4 Our work in the African continent centres on Uganda and is supported by Tear Fund .
5 He no longer wishes to emigrate and is planning to write his memoirs .
6 Fr Jin has apparently refused — he is in good health despite his age — and is not prepared to admit to any criminal activity to secure his release .
7 Critical appreciation was desired by fry as a necessary part of a course in art history ; , and is today naturally included .
8 It represents Padmapani holding a blue lotus , and is located at one side of a cell entrance .
9 The city of Kyoto , the imperial capital , lies surrounded by hills and is frequently bathed in mists .
10 The first deals with the reasons of the ( apparent ) diminution of objects as they recede from the eye , and is known as Perspective of Diminution : the second contains the way colours vary as they recede from the eye : the third and last explains how objects should appear less distinct in proportion as they are more remote .
11 The theory is not so useful in defining the quality or strength of responses , and is no help in analysing the interactions of responses .
12 His role in relation to the disturbances is never really clarified , nor is that of Stephens , an intelligent boy who deserts the Grange , is in touch with the gangs , and is murdered .
13 It is headed by the big man 's white man , the Belgian scholar Raymond , who has lost favour with his patron and is sinking into ceremonies of highly-placed sagacity , Salim has an affair with the white man 's white woman , his stylish wife Yvette : radical chic persuades him that he ‘ never wanted to be ordinary again' .
14 Metty betrays his master and is then left in the lurch , predicting a future whose likelihood the novel does not lead us to discount : ‘ They 're going to kill and kill . ’
15 He has published a second volume of autobiography , in which he deals with his years as a student at Oxford before and after the world war , and is now bursar of one of the colleges there .
16 Hawksmoor speaks the words of romantic duality , and is in a number of ways a double book .
17 Sinclair 's , at all events , is the work of a Modernist , and is unlikely to be that of an occultist .
18 His story is interwoven with , and is replicated by , a modern tale , in which Charles Wychwood 's comet-like career is featured .
19 Eluard 's soaring ‘ lyricism ’ helped to perpetuate a tyranny , and is the kind of thing which led Kundera to employ the title The Lyric Age for the work which first came to him in the mid-Fifties , and which his publishers prevailed on him to retitle Life is elsewhere when it was completed in 1969 .
20 Jaromil is not so much a character as a type , and is not unlike the Shelleyan poet in Shaw 's Candida , Eugene Marchbanks .
21 What is required is a poetry which does not analyse or criticise , and is suitable for throngs and parades : we are in a situation where the self-portraits of the lyric author can be displayed like placards .
22 When the Europeans decide to return , their guide decides to stay , and is immediately killed .
23 But it was clear , and is clearer still in retrospect , that on a number of occasions an old decorum had been deferred to , or embraced .
24 At times a golden girl is present in the vicinity of the discussions of the subject that keep happening , and is felt to restore a balance .
25 The former is ventriloquial ; the latter gives ‘ a carnival sense of the world ’ , and is the more hopeful .
26 An author is and is not his book .
27 The reader knows that it is Zuckerman 's statement too , that it is fiction , and is likely to remind himself that it could well belong to the infinite regress of the dualistic indeterminable , where claim and counter-claim alternate indefinitely .
28 I realise that what I am describing , people divided in themselves , is said to characterise mental illness , and is the absolute opposite of our idea of emotional integration .
29 I like to think that he would have accepted that art is work , that the work that frees us , and is not just ‘ punishment ’ , is art , and that anyone who uses his imagination is an artist .
30 By then a ‘ desperate man ’ , Leonid is sent as such on a desperate mission , and is killed .
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