Example sentences of "of woman " in BNC.

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1 She is not , as he puts it , ‘ that sort ’ of woman .
2 She was the sort of woman to evoke poems , from Leonard not least , and lastingly .
3 She pictures the relationship between Katherine , the brash and rather unlikely features editor of Woman Now magazine ( do these people really stand around in camisoles dictating gory details about gynaecological examination over radio-phones ? ) and a Russian exile , Slava .
4 In any case , with her languidly top-drawer vowels and spaced-out grandeur , Morag Hood makes Vivien seem like the kind of woman who would find it taxing enough cutting the tape on the new ward , let alone fighting to keep the old ones open .
5 Much play is made of the dual nature of Woman as madonna and whore : a chestnut by now , surely to God .
6 ‘ Some men do like that type of woman .
7 This is what Silverman does , finding femininity centrally within male homosexuality , but in the process insisting that ‘ we have barely begun to understand the full complexity of ‘ femininity' ’ , whether we locate that signifier at the site of woman , or at that of the homosexual man' .
8 We might say that the narrator is being fucked by the same in the position of the other — a formulation intentionally ambiguous as to who exactly is in the position of the other , since it is both : the narrator is in the position of the woman being fucked by the other of woman ( man ) .
9 ‘ She 's the sort of woman who lives for others — you can always tell the others by their hunted expression . ’
10 Comin Thro ’ the Rye ( 1922 ) , for example , exploits the beauties of the English countryside and constructs an allegorical subtext out of the changing seasons , but the narrative approach dilutes the dramatic potential inherent in its tale of a simple girl robbed of her true love by a heartless flirt , the sort of woman who is ‘ very useful for amusing men on rainy days . ’
11 In south Yorkshire during the forties , we were particularly disapproving of the sort of woman who ‘ puts on every bit of cheap jewellery that she 's got ’ .
12 The issue of woman as victim as opposed to woman as survivor was tackled head on by Polish director Zofia Kalinska whose work showing women as bearers of demonic energy culminated in the formation of the Magic Circle , which went on in 1988 to tour a collectively devised piece called Nominate Filiae .
13 Female artists are allowed to be vulnerable , frail , because this corresponds with the idea of woman as lack .
14 It may open with desire of woman , but it ends with unexpected consolation or with another desire not of woman . ’
15 It may open with desire of woman , but it ends with unexpected consolation or with another desire not of woman . ’
16 There is much of the poetry of Shelley and of Spenser , for example , written since they knew a woman , which has no mention of woman , and yet is full of love and fit to awaken and to satisfy love … .
17 He preferred the sort of woman who put her foot in it with grammar and things ; that way he could feel superior by correcting her at the time and having a laugh at her expense later with his male colleagues .
18 Female blood shed in menstruation and childbirth has been the particular focus on this definition of woman as polluted , over against male sacrality .
19 The roots of this injunction lie in the perception of woman as impure and hence to be excluded from the sacred male space .
20 This sense of woman 's uncleanness as separating her both from men and from the realm of holiness is developed in the Levitical codes :
21 Man that is born of woman is of few days and full of trouble …
22 And he that is born of woman that he should be righteous ?
23 For the female , the whole mechanism of reproduction was now viewed as automatic , a passive and intrinsic part of woman 's nature .
24 If we return to Deutsch , writing more than fifty years ago , she adds : ‘ This type of woman is dying out , and the modern woman seems to be neurotic if she is frigid … ’
25 This is the dual nature of woman epitomized in nineteenth-century medical beliefs and which continues today .
26 The proper function of woman was to raise a brood much larger than women had wanted since before 1914 .
27 She was not a garish poster girl or the kind of woman you see on magazine covers , shellacked into bookstall anonymity , but she was much closer to that real yet elusive image those boringly and indeed obscenely ubiquitous categories of commerce keep striving so unsuccessfully to represent .
28 She was the sort of woman to whom one might bring flowers or round boxes of Turkish Delight or strings of beaded sea-shells .
29 First , the mid sixteenth century saw an astonishing rash of woman rulers : Mary Tudor , Catherine de Medici , Mary of Hungary , Margaret of Parma , Mary 's own mother Mary of Guise .
30 If Raine Spencer 's iron will and unswerving competence made her intolerant of others less efficient — in the words of one neighbour , the kind of woman who ‘ rubs up worthy souls the wrong way ’ — does she deserve the epitaph of the woman who alienated the children , sold the family silver , was short with servants and decorated Althorp in poor taste ?
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