Example sentences of "was taken " in BNC.

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1 He was taken to the Interrogation wing of Gaza Prison .
2 The letter-writer is an orthopaedic surgeon who was taken off a plane as he was about to make a short visit to the UK where he had been a post-graduate student .
3 It is hard to be sure about the year the photograph was taken , since the monuments of both Pahlavis were pulled down several times , whenever the occasion presented itself to the people . ’
4 Legal action was taken in 1986 by the Society for the Protection of the Unborn Child ( SPUC ) to prevent the two family planning clinics in the Republic from counselling abortion .
5 The scheme was taken to Public Inquiry in October 1990 , in which the Borough of Camden was supported by the Thirties Society and Lucy Archer , Raymond Erith 's daughter and biographer .
6 The photo here was taken in friend Jane Allen 's garden — a very practical potter and organic gardener .
7 Once again , however , defensiveness won the day and when the Strathclyde Centre circulated forces asking them to co-operate in the venture , a decision was taken to withhold co-operation and a circular went round to this effect , suggesting the existing Home Office funded PRSU ( Police Research Services Unit ) and the Home Office Research and Planning Unit were adequate for the needs of the service .
8 If he was taken for the army , the light in their house would be damped out forever .
9 He paused , and this was taken as a signal for a round of cheers and shouts .
10 ‘ It would be a sad thing , ’ Angus answered at once , ‘ if Alex was taken away from his Mary into the army when they were not a year married . ’
11 Or if my Donald was taken , married or not , Mary McCulloch was thinking .
12 Part of his spare time was taken up with the marching band of the university , but much of it was given to boisterous evenings drinking and singing with his companion — always with a view to winning the girls ' eyes and hearts .
13 Significantly , he adduced the work of the American poet Wallace Stevens at this point , a man torn between the profession of law and the poetic muse , whose view of lost faith and a ‘ disconnected ’ tradition imbued his poetry with a wistfulness and a challenge that was taken very seriously by Leonard and Layton ; or , perhaps , viewed by them as a satisfactory replacement .
14 Unfortunately , the ladies doubles final had to be cancelled , but the men 's title was taken by Pashley and Carswell .
15 To shape the generous indentation , the wood was taken out gradually with a deep oval gouge .
16 At the time of writing it appears that the broker in this case has gone into liquidation without making the required payment , and the couple must now turn to the Investors ' Compensation Scheme , which can pay compensation in cases where ( a ) the broker has gone into liquidation , and ( b ) the original investment was taken up about 28 August 1988 .
17 Survivals include the Cambrian Coast , radio signalled in 1988 , where Barmouth viaduct was after all repaired , the Central Wales where a decision was taken to rebuild the bridge which collapsed while a train was crossing it in high flood , and the Settle & Carlisle where the government perhaps surprisingly refused closure .
18 On the passenger side InterCity was taken out first ; then all the London-commuter-belt services were grouped to form London & South East ( later renamed Network SouthEast ) ; finally , everything left over formed Other Provincial Services ( later renamed Provincial ) .
19 This type of choreography was taken up by later music-hall acts whose very eccentric soft shoe , sand dances before a background of pyramids and palm trees aroused much laughter .
20 Rhos Quarry closed in 1953 — a godsend to Evan 's health as well as his career — and after working briefly in the forestry plantations he was taken on as the first National Nature Reserve Warden of the newly-formed Nature Conservancy Council .
21 I was taken away in disgrace and I did n't care .
22 On the contrary he was taken to be something of a maverick and flutterer of dovecotes .
23 And it was 1952 before that road was taken — by Hugh Kenner ; it was only then that responsible criticism of Pound became possible — everything before that belongs , as it were , in pre-history .
24 The new ball was taken as soon as it was available , and entrusted to Lewis .
25 Consequently , after the Asian Open — which Hendry won — his No. 1 position in the world was taken over briefly by the 20-year-old Scot .
26 Nearly 95 per cent of its one-for-four rights issue was taken up , with Panmure Gordon placing the remainder at 140p .
27 Some was taken in briefcases to Peking .
28 Last summer , the House of Representatives passed a bill funding the full $1.8bn requested by the Navy , but the vote was taken before the second sea test failure .
29 Perhaps it would be better if the sport of boundary disputing was taken out of the hands of lawyers who are , by nature , adversarial .
30 IAN CHAPMAN , the former head of publisher William Collins who left in acrimonious circumstances when it was taken over by media mogul Rupert Murdoch , is back in the book business with a venture that links him with Sir David English , editor-in-chief of Associated Newspapers .
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