Example sentences of "was me " in BNC.

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1 It was me .
2 It was me , her personal tutor at that time , who persuaded her to stay .
3 ‘ I think it was me who started it , ’ I said .
4 I would n't mind so much but it was me who had to make all the moves when Andy and I first got started . ’
5 It was me who spoke next .
6 There was me and her , Wally , Malcolm and Paul .
7 There was me and Charlie and Maurice and Jack left and we went when they closed .
8 Mum felt that she 's failed me by not stopping me sooner , but it was me who 'd let us both down .
9 The desire to be everything for somebody , the yearning for ultimate closeness , reached its lunatic peak in the sublime schizophrenia of ‘ If I Was Your Girlfriend ’ ; ‘ if I was your one and only friend would U run to me if somebody hurt U even if that somebody was me ? ’
10 It was me .
11 These goons did not attack Dana — it was me they were after .
12 Once I had seen a rabbit snare fixed between the palings of a fence , and now my mind 's eye saw a rabbit hopping slowly towards this remembered snare as if hypnotized , and the rabbit was me .
13 Of course it was me .
14 It was me , me that finished him off ! ’
15 ‘ — How could I rob Bella and her not know it was me , eh ?
16 ‘ It was me , Bella .
17 Stroking Sam , he added , ‘ More often than not , it was me going hungry . ’
18 I was wondering : are they surprised because of the piece , or because it was me who stood up and read it ?
19 I was just cracking up ; they did n't realise it was me !
20 ‘ That was me !
21 That was me ! ’
22 That was me .
23 The last one I was involved in , it was me that was stabbed !
24 We 've grown up as if she was me mother . ’
25 It was me who bathed him and turned off his light .
26 ‘ I 've had a little help from Barry Humphries in this , and I hope I 've paid him due credit , thought he did start that nasty rumour that he was me or I was him .
27 If anyone put Jacklin oft at this stage it was me , because I let out a roar when Lee 's ball went in , and I was keen to get to the 18th .
28 If anybody put him off at the 17th it was me jumping up and down .
29 Was I bitter that it was me ?
30 From the day I first got an inkling of ‘ where babies come from ’ and taxed my mother with the proposition that I was therefore no relation to my father , I believed that it was me and me alone who had been responsible for all that pain and trouble called my birth .
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