Example sentences of "was on " in BNC.

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1 Like sunnink reely glamorous that everyone wants an' I ca n't see woss so wrong wiv vat. 'Cos I ai n't gonner get no kitchen wiv pitcher winders an' some geezer wiv a pipe like you was on abaht am I now ?
2 It came to have Connolly 's support and was on the way to becoming thoroughly nationalist and republican under Connolly 's influence .
3 I knew I was on the right track when I felt that thrill of pleasure at placing object , not painting it .
4 ‘ 'T WAS on the Isle of Capreee that I found her … ’
5 Marion Conroy was on stage until the final curtain calls and came up the stairs with the rest of the cast afterwards , observing as she did that Pepper went into his No. 2 and shut the door but that Cissy opened it and went in after him , the wide-eyed babyish stare that was the caricaturists ' joy quite absent .
6 Hers was on the floor by the bedside table — she 'd probably knocked it off when she had a glass of water , or when she took the veronal . ’
7 ‘ Because I was on last night .
8 The first course was on the table when we went into the dining-room .
9 Paul was invited to give a series of public lectures at the school , and word got around that I was on the verge of retirement and Paul would be happy to take my place .
10 The boot was on the other foot then , was n't it ?
11 I was acutely aware of the urgent need to find some work to do , so I combed the national and local newspapers to see what was on offer .
12 The other person in the house moved out and I was on my own .
13 When I saw the room , I immediately wanted to call the whole thing off , but the chap already had the cheque and I was on a hiding to nothing with my landlord so I would just have to put up with it .
14 ‘ OK baby , let's roll , ’ I said , and with a roar and a lurch , I was on my way .
15 The excitement of the adventure started to dissipate and I was left with the cold reality of knowing that I was on a train with hardly any money , no ticket and nowhere to go .
16 She disappeared , then reappeared behind the counter and whispered something to the girl who was on duty there .
17 Indeed when I was at the police college in 1987 and Jones was on the Senior Command Course prior to taking up a position as assistant chief constable , I took a straw poll among my immediate colleagues to see what influence such books achieve .
18 Let Lucy say for herself what was on her mind .
19 One or your down-fine hairs was on the pillow : I picked it up like gold-dust-sweet relic !
20 And now that Donald 's name was on the militia list , the thought of being parted obsessed them and they made love as though each time was the last time .
21 Some of the veterans were on the point of giving tongue but young Donald McCulloch was on his feet and moving into the middle of the ring , he was full of himself , sparkling with mischief but with an undertow of ardour .
22 Young McCulloch was on his own — where was Jean ?
23 Layton 's ebullience was on a par with Ezra Pound 's ‘ showmanship ’ , and Leonard now found himself not so very far from where the great revolutionary poet ( of Imagism , Vortism etc. ) was actually incarcerated .
24 In one movement she was on her feet and en route for the drinks table .
25 The television was on the drinks table .
26 Alan was on the screen ; there were streaks of blood on his face , his arm was strapped up and he wore a blanket round his shoulders .
27 American football was on the screen .
28 This time there were windows facing the child ( invisible to the competitor ) so the child could see where the chocolate was on each trial .
29 She was on firmer ground again .
30 Sorry was on the tip of her tongue when a thought struck her with such force she lay back to fathom its meaning .
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