Example sentences of "is good " in BNC.

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1 Even school-teaching Graham , who is meant to be amusingly boring , is good with words , in one of the ways that teachers sometimes are .
2 These statements are from The Wrench , where Faussone is good at his job and Levi is good at getting this across .
3 These statements are from The Wrench , where Faussone is good at his job and Levi is good at getting this across .
4 There is good Scots , too , in The Book of Sandy Stewart , which contrasts poignantly with the Book of Patrick Doyle .
5 I mean , sight reading is another thing and not everyone is good at that , but it helps if you are .
6 Perhaps doing Shakespeare spoils you for that , but I think having a text that is good is important .
7 Warmth is good .
8 Realism is good .
9 It is good fun , too , for branches organise regular beer festivals and brewery visits .
10 ‘ No , but we live at a sort of peace with each other , which is good . ’
11 After landing , the stick should be moved slowly right back to increase the tail load , unless there is good reason to deliberately steer the glider to one side .
12 They often think that if their flying is good enough , it is safe for them to press on in any weather conditions .
13 Never mind , walking is good exercise too .
14 It is good work , this , Angus , it is bringing the thing home to plenty folk who have only been in it for the furore so far , for the chance to squeeze their girls in the crowd and all that kind of thing .
15 He participates enthusiastically in all the activities and is good in all of them .
16 Sometimes it 's No news is good news .
17 No news is good news .
18 I always say , no news is good news .
19 Their argument is that it is good for the tournament , a s well as the players concerned , if as many as possible of the higher ranked competitors survive the early rounds .
20 It is good psychologically to look back and see just how much you have improved both in terms of strength and physique .
21 The time limit for making claims is three months ( or twelve months if there is good reason for the delay ) .
22 The quality is good enough to enable the 158s to replace the Mark 3 push-pull trains in Scotland as well as the Mark 2s .
23 While cladding can be fixed directly to existing masonry walls , it is good practice to cover them with waterproof building paper first to prevent any moisture that gets behind the cladding from penetrating the wall itself .
24 At one level , as in all picturings of God 's rule and man 's free will , there is nothing for Porfiry to do ; he just has to sit and wait , which he is good at .
25 And at another level he has to know and play every trick of the detective 's trade , which he is good at too .
26 In practice , binary oppositions are very liable to favour one term at the expense of the other , and there can be no doubt that Bakhtin preferred the dialogic to the monologic ( a bias that is evident in everyday English , where to engage in dialogue is good , and to utter a monologue is rather bad ) .
27 This points to Eleanor of Provence , Edward 's mother and consort of Henry III , whose reputation is as bad as that of Eleanor of Castile is good — though not for David Gordon , who seems to think that because she 's said to be ‘ of Provence ’ , this puts her above suspicion .
28 Yet these matters , it has been suggested , lie deep — indeed , unutterably deep — in every American psyche ; and it is good that from time to time the unutterable be uttered — it is , one might say , one of the things that we look to poets for .
29 On the other hand , when in the ruined court of Eblis the bees find ‘ wild grass for their pleasure ’ , that is good too .
30 Armed with Lipton 's motto — ‘ Good architecture is good business ’ — they employ a wide range of architects , both established and up-and-coming , commonly thought of as ‘ good ’ .
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