Example sentences of "in other " in BNC.

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1 In other cases people do n't even have homes to lose .
2 The three are also believed to be implicated in other cases of serious violations against street children .
3 In other words , there are no aesthetic objects , only physical objects , which , when observed , are capable of stimulating an aesthetic event . ’
4 In other political states during the twentieth century , there has been strong support for the view that art should serve a social purpose .
5 In other passages , the reader may find more difficulty in following Janson 's judgement .
6 In other words , stylistic change is at a premium ; in Gombrich 's book the dramatic innovations of Caravaggio do well , but a distinguished painter , say Bonnard , who is not so bold or challenging an artist was omitted until additions were made to the text in 1971 .
7 The tourist may find guide books excellent value , but an armchair traveller may be better served in other ways .
8 The reverse of the coin is internationalism , a feature , some might say , of twentieth-century art ; not so uncommon either in other periods , where art historians struggle heroically to identify differences between the art of one country and another .
9 Differences exist between the media of tempera and oil , or oil and acrylic , but they do not have the importance of contrasts in other material processes .
10 Other publishing houses in other countries will naturally prefer artists who are already internationally well known .
11 Comparable ideas about artists can be discovered in other cultures , but also very different views .
12 Historical background is only compressed in a monograph ; biographical material may be more extensive in other sources ; the painter 's contemporaries will not receive much attention , and may be slighted .
13 In other words , Braque divines the essential spirit — one might almost call it the ‘ soul ’ — of each object that he paints .
14 Articles on this sort of theme may appear in art periodicals , but are just as likely to be found in other journals , on literature , say , or history .
15 To standards of conduct attained in other countries , metropolitan standards , or to something on the island ?
16 In other respects , however , this is a cogent and sensible account ( which was constrained by a barbarous embargo on quotation ) .
17 In other words , Kundera 's novel isolates certain tendencies in the behaviour of poets ( and others ) in order to prosecute an attack on Stalinist Czechoslovakia .
18 Amis writes here , as he has written in other books , about the distance between men and women ; here , too , is the trouble that awaits the rational hedonist who deceives the woman he lives with and loves .
19 The difference yields a political meaning , in other words , and it would also appear to relate to the old theory of the difference between an author who tells and an author who shows , and who employs a medley of voices in order to do so .
20 Those with training in other performance skills , variety , singers and dancers , should consult Equity about the means whereby they could qualify for membership .
21 With independence the Irish Free State developed a type of political party organization on modern lines , but without the genuinely class-based politics one finds in other European countries .
22 There is a tradition of strong social consciousness in the Church of Ireland , evidenced by its building of hospitals , the support of some of its leadership for the locked-out Dublin workers in 1913 and their activities in other works of mercy without a proselytizing aim .
23 Whereas similar provisions in other countries were mainly designed to provide facilities which could or could not be used , the Irish ones were to be compulsory and there was to be no choice of doctor .
24 Of course , Irish clergy and laity are sometimes at the forefront of political religious change in other countries , and a lively Irish intellectuals ’ religion will continue : but whether or not it will eventually affect the structure of power is another matter .
25 It was argued that the pattern in other countries was that laws permitting divorce followed social trends in the numbers of marriage breakdowns rather than vice versa and that the fears of societal breakdown promoted by opponents in Ireland were unfounded in fact .
26 In other words , on the divorce question the Roman catholic clerical leadership were still using their joint authority , which is legitimate in the eyes of the majority in the Southern state , to press into civil legislation their views of public morality , and to use the informed conscience of the faithful as the primary vehicle .
27 In other words , when the New Ireland Forum was being assured by Bishop Daly of the intention of the Roman catholic church in Ireland to support full civil and religious rights for Northern Ireland protestants , the bishops were effectively reserving to themselves , as a body of luminaries with a direct access to the inner structures of social reality , the right to declare what actually constituted a civil and religious liberty or right and they were doing so on the grounds of what they considered good for society .
28 In other words , support for the education policies of the church were the quid the Irish party had to give in order to obtain the quo of the bishops ' endorsement of the party as the genuine political representatives of the Irish people or nation .
29 He has also sought support for this view from studies of separate and mixed schooling of different ethnic groups in other countries .
30 In other words , he wrote , am I right or wrong to see this as decisive ?
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