Example sentences of "in children " in BNC.

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1 This tendency to give a realist answer when we request a phenomenalist ( appearance-based ) answer - which Piaget called ‘ intellectual realism ’ — is also very easy to see in children 's drawings .
2 In children between four and eight years of age there was absolutely no difference between the number of realist answers produced by the pairs and by the control , solo children .
3 But some reports have suggested that low zinc levels may lead to problems in pregnancy , from difficult labour to congenital malformations in children .
4 Researchers in Oxford have found the first evidence of a genetic cause for unexplained mental retardation in children .
5 He added : ‘ What is so appalling is that millions of pounds which should have been invested in children 's education has been squandered in pursuit of electoral advantage . ’
6 Ms McCarthy 's liver had small drops of fat in it , normally found in children suffering Reyes syndrome .
7 The success rate for liver transplants in children is about 75 per cent .
8 There are also conspired encounters , where the neighbourhood police make a special point of visiting certain people , such as shopkeepers , and especially those new to the area , security guards in shopping centres , pensioners , especially those without the security of living in old-people 's homes , youngsters in children 's homes , and RUC widows in the vicinity .
9 But ITV is already reshaping its schedules to build its peak-time ratings : investment in children 's programmes and single documentaries has been cut .
10 ( Recent attention to cases of child sex abuse has resulted in children rather than young people being taken into care ; teenagers are more likely to act out their distress by running away and only reveal why much later . )
11 Mr Kinnock said : ‘ The battle is not yet over , the battle for the survival of the National Health Service , for proper investment in children who go to local maintained schools , to protect learning and independence in the universities and broadcasting , to secure freedom of information and reform of our democracy , and ensure we shall never again get a government that will use unemployment and recession as its main economic weapon . ’
12 It is not surprising , for I live in children , and it is I who
13 These services are illustrated by post-war developments in children and social services departments , and the growth of the social work profession ( Barclay , 1982 — Majority Report ) .
14 MD 's principal product is methylphenidate , a niche drug used to treat attention deficit disorder in children ( a condition that is barely recognised in the UK ) .
15 Lead is a poison which impairs the development of the nerves and the brain , especially in children , and which will poison anyone if enough is ingested .
16 Dr Robin Russel-Jones , at one time chairman of CLEAR , stated in 1989 that ‘ A later stage of this study also showed a clear link between blood lead level and aggressive/anti-social and hyperactive behaviour in children .
17 It may well be that it is the first of these , his work in children 's theatre , for which he will be most remembered , for he revolutionised the whole conception of what forms theatre for children might take .
18 For the listener , there is nothing to keep her to this role unless she happens to have a partner whose talk is engaging ( or , of course , there may be extrinsic pressures of , for example , wanting to please teacher , which because it is always a possible element in children 's work I will not keep referring to but will take for granted ) .
19 As you would expect the high level of vitality in children means they respond quickly and they generally wo n't need as many doses of the remedy .
20 One of the only clearly identified causes of leukaemia in children is exposure to radiation .
21 However , as educational standards have improved , there has been a greater awareness of mental handicap in children , and improved medical skills have led to more research into its causes .
22 It accounts for around one-third of all cases of severe mental handicap in children , and occurs among all races and in all countries .
23 Parent influence is a major factor in children 's educational progress and winning parents ' active support should be an important task of the school .
24 Asking the children to write advertisements for a new teacher provides valuable insights into children 's values : kind , not too strict , gives interesting lessons , does n't shout , all seem to appear frequently in children 's specifications .
25 Griffiths ' and Hamilton 's work on PACT ( Parents , Children and Teachers ) the Bellfield Project and the Harringay Project all reported in Bloom 's Partnership with Parents in Reading ( 1987 ) are examples of schemes of parent listening , Keith Topping and Sheila Wolfendale in Parental involvement in Children 's Reading ( 1985 ) give advice on setting up schemes of ‘ paired reading ’ .
26 Take full credit for the school and your self for improvements in children 's performance .
27 Nowadays it is much less common and only 25% of new cases are found in children , ie the onset of the disease has been greatly delayed .
28 AN AUSTRALIAN court has ruled that passive smoking causes lung cancer , asthma and respiratory problems in children .
29 Morling found there was ‘ overwhelming evidence ’ that passive smoking triggers attacks of asthma and diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract in children .
30 There was also ‘ more than a little evidence ’ that other people 's cigarette smoke causes glue ear in children .
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