Example sentences of "in many " in BNC.

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1 ACET volunteers work as part of a team and provide help in many different ways to ensure that people do n't spend time in hospital unnecessarily .
2 ACET recognises that people can have needs in many areas .
3 Some of the bodies showed signs of torture and in many cases personal documents had been removed to prevent identification .
4 Amnesty sections all over the world include the Prisoner Letter Writing Campaign cases in the magazines and newssheets they publish in many other languages , from Faroe to Banlga .
5 In many countries , regional and national newspapers report on these prisoner cases — the Slovenian Catholic weekly Druzina , the French national daily Le Monde , and the Pakistani daily The Muslim , to name but a few .
6 In many of these countries the new respect for human rights was embodied in the repeal or revision of laws used to imprison prisoners of conscience .
7 In many cases a group would divide into sub-groups and work on more than three at a time .
8 This thematic method is combined in many introductory courses with formal analysis which is closer to the way that many artists describe pictures .
9 Similar passages of critical reflection or speculation can be found in many books .
10 Twentieth-century sculpture parks are less rigidly planned , and intended to accommodate sculpture by artists in many different styles .
11 Each of the two principal actors glimpses his double in passing , as a reflection in a glass , and each stands to the other in the same relation — a relation which presupposes , as in many other Gothic texts , some sort of metempsychosis or rebirth .
12 But in many respects they are very different , and they come from different times : they are separated from one another by three-quarters of a century .
13 In my suggested audition pieces , I have not included any of the well known speeches from such modern classics as Look Back in Anger , by John Osborne , or Roots , by Arnold Wesker although these plays are revived frequently in many theatres .
14 In many cases students will also tour in productions mounted by the school , and this gives good audience experience away from the greenhouse of school performances , where the people who sit in the audience are usually either professionally interested , or are fellow students and friends .
15 Ministers , both presbyterian and Church of Ireland , suffer similar pressures in many other local communities , except that they often stay silent rather than risk conflict , personal hardship , or violence .
16 In the North , clergy dominate the catholic sector , while a protestant and loyalist culture predominates in the state schools — albeit with a developed secular and liberal aspect in many of them .
17 CAMRA produced reports on the brewing industry , pointing to the monopoly grip of the Big Six in many parts of the country and the resultant lack of choice for consumers .
18 In many cases this has resulted in the introduction of faked features and the associated destruction of existing features which , though often of architectural and historic interest in their own right , do not fit in with the designer 's concept of the pub 's ideal form .
19 ‘ Shop-taverns ’ , serving the passing trade as well as the locals , had become common in many towns , whilst many pubs had been partitioned into two distinct areas — the bar room and the tap room .
20 Examples of neo-Georgian pubs can be found in the suburbs of Liverpool ( often designed by Quiggin and Gee , two former pupils of Professor Reilly ) and in many other places .
21 In many cases a user will actually solve his or her own problem while on the phone to Neptune !
22 Although it is associated with Italy , similar peasant foods are found in many parts of the world — from noodles in China to pierogi , the ravioli-like dish , from Poland .
23 Within moments , he is talking about Brecht 's THREEPENNY OPERA pointing out how Brecht invented an abstract London , not in order to escape from the reality of the city , but to create a generalized framework which could be relevant to audiences in many different places .
24 Incongruously , this was also a very happy period for me in many ways .
25 But the acid or neutral clays which are found in many parts of Britain are as good for lime haters are are acid sands .
26 From a vast range in many shapes and sizes , you could select the dwarf Salix lanata for foliage , the larger S. fargesii for winter twigs , and another small willow , S. hastata , for its silver catkins .
27 In many rural areas the tree was deemed sacred and thus is widely planted in churchyards .
28 Exposure to winds is a problem in many gardens , resulting in scorched and damaged young foliage , collapsed stems , uneven growth and rapid drying of soil and leaves .
29 In many training organisations all over the world , student pilots get no training at all with this kind of problem .
30 In many gliders the spin may stop as soon as the full opposite rudder is applied .
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