Example sentences of "water from " in BNC.

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1 Fox red , moonbeam silver , I held the precious strands like a pilgrim sips water from a miraculous spring .
2 Just now the autumnal coolth was tonic and he breathed it in like drinking draughts of fresh milk , then took dippersful of water from the butt at the side of the house and sluiced his head into activity .
3 Part of the group helps in the use of carbohydrate for energy and growth ( B1 thiamin ) , while vitamin B6 ( pyridoxine ) helps in using protein and fats and also in removing water from the body tissues ( diuretic ) .
4 Before continuing we slaked thirsts with warm water from our own bottles — we could n't find any streams .
5 But in less than a year Poland and Hungary had proved otherwise ‘ and now you have the strongest of the strong , the East Germans , jumping out like water from a bucket with a hole in it .
6 ‘ They use the water from the jellied eels . ’
7 On 22 August , 2,000 fish were killed when chlorinated water from a council swimming pool leaked into the river .
8 Has n't anyone told Mrs Thatcher that bottled water can cost a thousand times as much as water from the tap ?
9 This makes sound political sense given that Environment Secretary Chris Patten is desperate to ensure an easy transition of water from public to private sector .
10 We finished our soup and swilled out the mess tins with water from the jerry-can .
11 ‘ When you are sucking up all that filthy water from the River Orne into your tank , I shall be further along the river bank playing the bagpipes . ’
12 The pipeline comes from Loch Katrine to supply water from Glasgow .
13 Then fill it up with water from the kettle , Not boiling , mind , that could prove disastrous .
14 Throughout November and December a few big cod can be taken over low water from the end of the sandbar on night tides .
15 Shore fishing at Fleetwood patchy , a few good fish over low water from Rossall area at night .
16 The river we had crossed was to our left and was not , as we first thought , melt water from the spout ; that formed a river to our right .
17 Probably I would be more convinced that Tromsø , with its snug wooden houses , its thick air-spaced double glazing , its heating systems , its hot water from the tap , its colour televisions and supermarkets , was not just a retreat from reality .
18 Tony paddles over ; the dripping water from his paddle ends , and the suck of water into the holes they leave behind are the only sounds for miles .
19 He poured himself some water from a chilled carafe .
20 A broad wheel of small diameter , it is of the overshot , pitch-back type and sits below a ‘ launder ’ , or large iron tank , which accepts water from the ‘ flume ’ , connected with the mill-pond , so that water is ducted on to the top of the wheel , causing it to rotate backwards .
21 The upper reaches of the river remained unnavigable until , in the late eighteenth century , it was decided to construct a parallel canal , drawing water from the river , from Newbridge near Billingshurst to Pallingham Quay , above Pulborough , where the canal would join the river .
22 I did little bits to help , like picking up sticks for firewood and fetching water from the well , as we did n't have any electricity or running water .
23 Regional nerves have been strained by a plan to cut off water from Syria and Iraq for a month , and by the Syrian shooting down of a Turkish civilian plane in October .
24 The algae feeds on nitrogen and phosphates which come into the water from agriculture and sewage .
25 MANCHESTER High School for Girls , an independent institution , was not the subject of a photograph on page 3 of yesterday 's Guardian which showed buckets being used to collect water from a leaking roof .
26 Natural water from two 300ft boreholes beneath Huddersfield , West Yorkshire , is for the first time to be bottled , and sold to France .
27 Within a period of six weeks all nine children died from either cholera or diptheria contracted from contaminated water from the well in the house .
28 In Climate and Life he recalls the work of his collaborator O.A. Drozdov on ‘ Changing the Climate in Connection with the Plan for Transforming Nature in the Drought Regions of the USSR ’ ; and studies by others on the feasibility of melting the polar ice with nuclear energy and by damming the Behring Straits and pumping water from the Behring Sea into the Arctic .
29 The ecological disaster created by the diversion of water from the Aral Sea for the sake of a better cotton crop has given that sort of thinking a severe knock .
30 Paradoxically , although surrounded by water , dolphins , like other marine mammals , tend to lose water from their bodies to the sea .
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