Example sentences of "done [art] " in BNC.

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1 I have done the first …
2 George Roman read me and after I 'd done the first reading he asked me about my own attitudes to the Part and then told me his as a director , which were completely different .
3 It gave me a temporary Equity card — mind you they took it away again as soon as I had done the four weeks work .
4 If one such had done the deed , she could be of no assistance in the enquiries .
5 I do n't know how many times I 'd done the Harwich-to-London run , but the journey seemed different that day — like a well-known view captured in a freshly painted picture .
6 I mean , you 've done the prelims , dear , in your own inimitable fashion — roses , champagne , adoration , necking and fumbling .
7 If only I was this , if I 'd only said that , done the other — why always ME ?
8 The leg raises are done the opposite way round , with the feet at the lower end of the incline bench .
9 ‘ It would have been a different story if the brewery had done the earlier repairs . ’
10 Having done the climb in this manner , Dave thought the route unjustified in this state , feeling that as the pegs deteriorated with age no-one would repeat it .
11 While acknowledging his argument for the bolt placement , I advised that he had done the route ; if others thought a bolt should be placed , let someone else go ahead and place it .
12 The old money-lender with her ‘ Jewish ’ interest rates is to be murdered because her life is worthless and her hoarded wealth can be put to good use ; when the unimportant deed is done the doer will launch himself into something that really matters , a large-scale philanthropic exercise .
13 He goes in for a sort of hall-of-mirrors self-impersonation , telling people how he would have done the murder if he had done it ( which he has ) .
14 In The Possessed , the conspirators have enticed their victim to a dark remote spot where nothing will be seen or heard , and have done the deed and tied two heavy stones to the body so that it is sure to sink , and have carried it to a pond and thrown it in : then , ‘ With extraordinary carelessness ’ they overlook that cap which has no doubt fallen off in the struggle , and which the police will soon find .
15 As anyone who has worked in an English department will know , many of those listening to the lecture will not have done the necessary reading , and are so reduced to hearing about and taking notes on something of which they have not had direct literary experience ( even passing on their notes to friends who were absent from the lecture ) .
16 Dear L.B : When one has finally done the job and found the mot juste , I dare say violent language usually disappears .
17 Having done the job myself , it helps me to understand that departments are being asked to review everything continuously .
18 She 's since sung Pamina , Zerlina and Despina under Barenboim in Paris and , before the axe fell on the conductor 's brief reign at the Bastille , was to have done the three Da Ponte pieces with him and Patrice Chereau .
19 Philosophical question : can you actually fill in for someone who has never done the job ?
20 Predictably , the styling rework has done the look of the 911 no favours : rehashing a beautiful original rarely does .
21 The next morning , a Sunday , he agreed to Dick 's suggestion to see a West German doctor , had tests done the following Wednesday and was referred to Zurich for an operation a week later .
22 This not only involves a mutual understanding of the common-sense notions in everyday life about what counts as an excuse , it requires that constables put themselves in the position of the offender to test whether they would have done the same .
23 If I had n't taken that opportunity I 'm sure I would never have done the things I later did in the refinery business .
24 When it was done the whole house had acquired a new pleasantness and comfort .
25 They have done the same thing to us as Ward did — they suspended us .
26 Citroen 's design director Art Blakeslee thought the company had done the right thing with Activa II .
27 Hunt thinks Mansell has done the right thing in signing with Williams .
28 Apart from the obvious advantage of quieter touring brought by the fifth ratio , the five-speed 'box also seems to have done the SL 's fuel consumption no small favour .
29 Is that all you 've done the whole evening — read ? ’
30 Hatton had done the journey in the shortest possible time , leaving no possible spare moment for undercover activities .
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