Example sentences of "taken it " in BNC.

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1 She had not taken it .
2 It would have been an injustice if they had taken it away from me . ’
3 The car has broken down and my two mates have taken it to a local garage to get it fixed . ’
4 You should have taken it years ago .
5 But Nora never wore an overall , she despised housework — and this girl was wearing an overall , not the rather smart dress for which Mrs. Fanshawe had first taken it .
6 She had met and fallen in love with Peter Shand Kydd , a wallpaper millionaire , seen a chance of happiness , and taken it .
7 She had taken it only once before , on a visit to the same club two months earlier .
8 She 'd taken it upon herself to be in charge of merchandising , so she was working and creating little David Bowie dolls and placemats and keychains and all that shit , but she was doing that all by herself .
9 He stopped , realizing what he was doing , and looked at her carefully to see if she had taken it in .
10 Same age as Francesca , and had attended the same good North London all-girls ' grammar school , for entry to which aspiring parents would have been prepared to pay blood-money had there been anyone in the austere intellectual governing body and teaching staff who would have taken it .
11 Economists have taken it for granted that to get round it , creditors will in practice need to get most of the benefit from debt relief .
12 The record price for a suit was one hundred pounds , and that was brand new , passed on by a lunatic who changed his mind as soon as he had taken it home .
13 He knew at once Lee had taken it .
14 Though you 'd have thought they 'd have taken it off before bringing in their things .
15 I rang up , just to check that he 'd taken it straight along there , like I told him to , and they said I had to fill in all these forms .
16 We 've taken it over for a week or so .
17 After testing for the role when he executive-produced We 're No Angels , he has taken it up full time , setting up his own company Tribeca Productions and building his own mini-studio in New York .
18 ‘ Someone 's taken it . ’
19 When breakfast is taken it usually consists of cereal and milk , or toast spread with hard margarine or butter and jam or marmalade .
20 When the coup in Yugoslavia in spring 1941 interfered with Hitler 's plans for an attack on the Soviet Union ( Britain 's last potential Continental ally ) and a deterioration in mood set in owing to the threatening extension of the war to the Balkans , SD soundings of opinion again registered ‘ with what childlike trust the most ordinary people in particular look up to the Führer and our leadership of state ’ , convinced that ‘ the Führer has taken it into account and will deal properly with it ’ . ’
21 This we may express , indeed , in a few words , but it should influence us throughout all our treatment of horses ; for a horse will more readily take the bit , if , when he has taken it , something pleasant results to himself ; and he will leap across ditches , and jump over obstacles , and comply with our wishes in all other respects , if he looks forward , when he has done what is required of him , to some indulgence .
22 He had taken it to the President , and he had liked it , and he had signed it .
23 Never have I been so reviled , never , and I have taken it all , knowing him to be old and alone , and I … ’
24 ‘ As long as someone has n't parked on the patch of paint and taken it all away on their tyres . ’
25 She had taken it into her head to befriend the new lass whom she considered to be a cut above the rest — which is to say , she did n't curse or spit .
26 We have taken it this far because we wanted some justice .
27 Jesuit missionaries had also taken it to Rome , from where an Apothecary named Robert Talbot had obtained medicine to cure Charles II of ague .
28 That a mere colonel in the White House would have taken it upon himself to engage in such duplicitous and totally illegal operations without the president 's knowledge and authority is quite impossible to believe .
29 He had taken it for granted that his verbose and glib explanation of the facts would convince the jury of his innocence .
30 No one did want the films , not in America , at least ; Nicholson and Hellman had tampered with the popular view of western history and had taken it to deeper levels , failing totally to appreciate that mass audiences enjoyed westerns purely because they provided escapism .
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