Example sentences of "thought in " in BNC.

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1 And now , she thought in the blessed silence , my dear Jay , what would you like to do ?
2 That thought in particular kept her warm as they left the restaurant for the bitter streets of the city .
3 Sir John Summerson , the architectural historian , said that Gothic architects were masons who thought in terms of their materials and construction , whereas Renaissance architects were sketchers who thought in terms of paper and ink .
4 Sir John Summerson , the architectural historian , said that Gothic architects were masons who thought in terms of their materials and construction , whereas Renaissance architects were sketchers who thought in terms of paper and ink .
5 The real distinction however , McLeish thought in a flash of revelation , lay in their clients ' expectations .
6 He is going , Alida thought in despair , and no more is to be done , no examination is to be made , tranquillisers are the only treatment I am to have … . ‘ a full medical check-up only one month before . ’
7 What long arms , Florence Ames thought in surprise .
8 Nevertheless it is instructive that the Christians of the ‘ great church ’ ( as a pagan writer , Celsus , called it c. 177–80 ) thought in this way about unity in diversity .
9 For instance , Perkin thought in wood , like a language .
10 But they never thought in those terms .
11 The 19 per cent who thought in 1987 he would make the best Prime Minister compares with 28 per cent today .
12 ‘ I never thought in those terms , officer .
13 Franca thought in terms of a musical trio .
14 And that , she thought in satisfaction , would surely bind him to her forever .
15 In all cases the necessity of balancing professional and academic requirements has been recognised , with the inexorable move toward a ‘ graduate ’ profession being accepted responsibly , though more slowly than for similar professions : ‘ It is a matter for concern that , compared with other professions surveying has not made a greater impact upon university life and thought in general ’ ( Wells Report , 1960 ) .
16 ‘ And here I am , absolutely on the rocks , ’ she thought in despair .
17 Those who still thought in terms of a rural peasant Poland dominated by the feudal power of the szlachta and the Church had little time to adapt their vision .
18 His face was hard , his neck rigid , his eyes narrow ; and I thought in a flash of Paul Shacklebury , the lad dead in his ditch .
19 ‘ Ruins that lass , she does , ’ she thought in disgust , as she glanced across at George 's mother-in-law .
20 They thought in terms of a right or wrong time , rather than long or short duration .
21 Secure as he thought in possession , Lewis brushed this aside as being an unsuitable subject for discussion at such a time .
22 In the 1920s a local man was in a terrible state of nerves and he too visited the bridge with the one thought in his mind .
23 The rebel officers ' paramilitary allies , the Carlists and Falangists , were certainly eager to spill the blood of their left-wing enemies , yet they too thought in terms of days rather than years of actual military conflict .
24 The Imperium thought in terms of decades , even centuries .
25 I 've left mine somewhere ; I thought in Cas .
26 John thought in images .
27 And , indeed , the sheer prevalence of Essene thought in the Holy Land at the time also bears witness to a congregation more numerous than a few conclaves of ascetics sequestered in the desert .
28 The Crown and its officials certainly had to face major issues , but they seldom thought in terms of policy : indeed the word was less often used in the sense of a plan or strategy than to suggest , at its highest , shrewd dealing , and , at its lowest , a disreputable cunning .
29 They thought in terms of a picture of the universe and of the origin of humankind ( one which we now know to have been in large part mistaken ) , and they interpreted their awareness of God in conjunction with this picture .
30 This was a anti-tank and it fired a bomb and of course we put a demonstration on firing this and then we was up the Bell Lane end and right at the top by Bailey 's farm there was a row of seats , benches , along the walk there and of course the demonstration was we 'd show them imagine those seats are tanks course we never thought in the world we should ever even get near one anyway we hit one and broke it Cos they , they , I mean they was only dummies , they were n't , I mean there was no explosive just the dummy shell you know and we , we was quite pleased with ourselves being as we 'd got an audience .
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