Example sentences of "area as " in BNC.

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1 You can only score if your centre of gravity is inside the area as your technique makes contact .
2 It was for such reason that most of Petipa 's famous pas de deux take place centre stage , whilst those of Ashton and MacMillan cover the whole area as befits their more flowing lyrical styles ,
3 Fighting spread from bar to night-club along the narrow cobbled streets of the seedy riverside area as other sailors , including British seamen from the carrier , joined in and police were called in to keep the peace , he added .
4 According to reliable sources , the Tate Gallery greeted the expansion of the Saatchi Collection with a mixture of relief and complacency : it was felt that it would inevitably , one day , be bequeathed to the nation , and since that was so , the underfunded Tate Gallery need not bother to acquire major work in the same area as the Saatchis .
5 The shelling went on for about an hour then almost complete silence descended on the area as I continued to stare to my front .
6 In the Smolensk area as elsewhere , they linked up with agricultural advisers in the effort to make the peasants realize that subsistence farming was a form of self-exploitation , since their energies were dissipated in a multitude of tiring undertakings .
7 This meant no controls on foreign investment within that zone , and the unplanned outcome of this was a huge capital outflow from Britain to the sterling area as London rediscovered its traditional predilection for investing in the ‘ white Commonwealth ’ .
8 Perhaps the oddest consequence of the evolution of the sterling area as a zone for British balance-of-payments policy was the relationship which developed with the colonies , Treating the sterling area as one bloc meant , logically , maximizing dollar receipts for the area as a whole and minimizing dollar debits .
9 She had been part of a long stream of women who had come and gone swiftly , lives collapsing in one area as they gained power and certainty in another .
10 Most dolphins and small whales travel in groups broader than they are long , which allows them to acoustically scan as large an area as possible .
11 It will also challenge clubs like Nottingham — and perhaps even Cardiff — to become as effective as Saracens have been , not only in finding and developing new young talent , but in building such good relations with the junior clubs in their area as to make this process acceptable to both sides .
12 It 's the ultimate in designer resorts , one enormous pleasure garden dedicated to give as much as possible to as many as possible in as small an area as possible .
13 It was recognized that ‘ the absorption , even temporarily , of one million persons into a community of five and a half millions ( excluding Egypt ) requires a digestive capacity far beyond the economic possibilities of the area as they exist today ’ , as UNRWA reported in 1953 .
14 This has led to a change in the way in which both physical and social data are collected and combined in an effective conservation policy , or , as Pickering ( 1979 ) puts it , in such a way as to ensure the technical validity of a conservation technique is appropriate over the same area as its social validity .
15 The sample from Wales came from the same locality as the short-eared owl and tawny owl pellet samples , and the kestrel was hunting over much the same area as these species .
16 So the L & NWR were building coaches in the same area as Joseph Wright & Sons , at best not a satisfactory arrangement , and a major factor in the decision to transfer this activity to Wolverton .
17 This change also made imperative the development of links with employers , Youth Training providers and the tertiary colleges so that the quality of transition for young people was as effective into the post-16 area as it had been throughout their school career .
18 The organization of conferences , seminars and other such meetings can be most time-consuming and labour-intensive , and probably for this reason the clearinghouses are not quite as active in this area as one might expect , although each of the national clearinghouses regularly organize or sponsor at least one .
19 A tree without leaves has a smaller surface area as compared with a tree with leaves which has a large surface area .
20 In 1967 the Brooklands Society was formed to preserve as much of the area as possible .
21 ‘ It is important in such an industrialised area as Cleveland , ’ Morton says .
22 Each team has a backup squad who , aside from shouting encouragement , will prepare and maintain the raft and organize the team 's campsite area as well as cooking , massaging aching limbs , etc .
23 Community feeling in the area as monitored by Ahlbrandt was low , with barely more than one half of interviewees accepting the neighbourhood as a good or excellent place to live and two-thirds ( almost 20 per cent below the percentage for Allegheny West ) feeling strongly attached to it .
24 Bottom left : Mosquito net on this tail is not quite as effective in the central open area as on Flash Angel ( bottom right ) .
25 The promise of privatised experience in such a crucial area as travel not only erodes public transport , but also feeds into the individualist selfishness of consumerism .
26 Sutton was lucky to escape a red card when he handled a Campbell shot outside his area as Derby maintained their revival .
27 Several small practitioners in the same area as the original complainant also said they had been approached by the company , but only one had parted with any money .
28 In such a complex area as taxation , this could be a very useful tool for all levels of staff .
29 Formed four years ago , Consolidated hail from the same San Francisco Bay area as Hiphoprisy and make a similarly militant rap'n'roll racket — indeed , the band 's Mark Pistel co-programmed the Hiphoprisy LP .
30 The local creamery refused to accept milk from the area as dust was floating in it .
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