Example sentences of "long time " in BNC.

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1 For a long time deemed a white , Western organization , the setting up of section sin countries like Tunisia , Algeria and South Korea , are ample illustration of Amnesty 's worldwide stature .
2 Some have been living for a disconcertingly long time in museums ; but once doubted , the evidence of inadequacy in a fake is quite often soon in coming .
3 Some latitude can be allowed to serious critics who write for periodicals which go to press a long time before a show is on view ; these critics will not be able to comment on how the exhibition actually looks , as their articles will have been written before the show 's installation .
4 She begins by recalling a remark made to her a long time ago by Larkin , about difficulties encountered in his private life — a remark which consisted of a joke to do with ‘ the impossibility of relations between men and women ’ , followed by the notion that ‘ women ought really to marry each other ’ , followed by ‘ but that would be wrong , would n't it ? ’
5 Eighty years does n't seem a very long time when you consider the art of acting has been prospering in Europe over the last four hundred or so years , quite apart from the great traditions of ancient Greek drama .
6 It took me a long time to accept the fact that now I should not be killed — that I should be one of the survivors .
7 I think it 's all over for a long time .
8 I had been preparing myself for that moment for a long time , he typed , as Harsnet had written .
9 That is why , wrote Harsnet , I have been preparing myself for that moment for a long time , that is why I have cleared the decks and prepared the ground , because unless the decks are cleared and the g round prepared there is little hope of succeeding in what one has planned to do , little hope of achieving anything of lasting value , though lasting is a relative term and so is value and whatever it is one has planned to do is certain to be altered in the process , which does not of course mean , he wrote , that one can start anywhere at any time .
10 I can say without embarrassment that I have been training for this for a long time , that I have learned to breathe the rarefied air , that I now know when to stand still and when to move forward , when to attack and when to retreat , when to leave a problem to resolve itself and when to go on working at it till the solution emerges .
11 Had been dreaming about this for a long time , he wrote .
12 Yesterday he rang the bell for a long time but no point in opening the door .
13 As though all this had happened a long time ago .
14 They were in there for a long time .
15 The 'phone rang for a very long time and when Mrs Pettifer eventually answered she sounded quite put out .
16 ‘ If he 'd gone away a long time ago , it would have been better , ’ said Mrs Clancy wryly .
17 The festival is also screening POISON , one of the most controversial American films for a long time , which has caused storms of protest in the States and will be a film that has everyone talking .
18 She also turned out to be the last close friend I had for an awfully long time .
19 It took many of them an awful long time even to introduce themselves .
20 A long time ago now though .
21 ‘ That was all a long time ago now . ’
22 She insisted on having wine with the meal , and as I had n't had a drink in a long time , it made me feel rather tipsy .
23 Most private owners discovered the use of a tail and wing-tip dolly a long time ago , making it possible to tow out with a car single-handedly on most days .
24 Being directly overhead , the field is one of the worst positions from which to extricate yourself because you have to fly blind , away from the field , for quite a long time to get out to the side for a reasonable base leg .
25 For a long time it has been known that heavy drinking during pregnancy can badly affect a baby 's development so that when it is born , its face and head are deformed and it is mentally backward .
26 Said a lot of things I 've been meaning to for a long time . ’
27 But we do talk and what I know is you are essentially a decent and totally wonderful human being and I 'll hang around a long time for you .
28 ‘ You 're sweet , ’ said Lucy , stroking her face , holding her hand , ‘ but it was a long long time ago .
29 ‘ A long time for a claim to run . ’
30 It was a long time since she had last seen Michael : it was seven months , two weeks and three days , four if she counted today .
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