Example sentences of "fact a " in BNC.

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1 The unfriendly comment of Edgar Wind in Art and Anarchy was : ‘ What has optimistically been called a ‘ museum without walls ' ’ is in fact a museum on paper — a paper-world of art in which the epic oratory of Malraux proclaims , with the voice of a crier in the market place , that all art is composed in a single key , that huge monuments and small coins have the same plastic eloquence if transferred to the scale of the printed page , that a gouache can equal a fresco . ’
2 It was in fact a butterfly , tawny orange like a tiger with a purple and black lace frill to its wings .
3 Scott was in fact a poet of considerable skill himself a founding father , no less , of Canada 's emerging poetry movement , and the doyen of poetry in Montreal , which has produced so many excellent poets .
4 He 's half and half , in fact a little bit more English if you weigh it up . ’
5 It is in fact a table , with hinging top , of about 36in diameter .
6 During the early part of the day in Prague , East Germans waited quietly , apparently believing that the crowd outside the embassy was in fact a queue .
7 Administration officials argue that Mr Bush 's speech at the United Nations was in fact a turning point in the US efforts to ban the prodictoion of chemical weapons because it created an atmosphere in which the Geneva negotiations are likley to be accelerated .
8 Belief in its importance is in fact a consequence of the recognition that people , including priests , are fallible , so that the right to challenge their views is a necessary condition of arriving at valid opinions .
9 In fact a statement of human rights is either a description of a society or a critique of a society .
10 Although ostensibly a welfare organisation Gema was in fact a political party within KANU with Kiambu as its nerve centre , but with political retainers throughout the Republic among every tribe .
11 In Ethiopia , as in India , the role of the informal producer is not distinct from the mainstream of the economy , but is in fact a key part of it , producing for instance the home-spun cloth worn by most Ethiopian women .
12 Though this idea was ultimately caused by economic and technical developments , and is in fact a misrepresentation of social relations , the idea is real enough to the people concerned .
13 The problem raised by this theoretical paradox was of significance not only for these particular instances , however important they were in themselves ; it was in fact a challenge to the whole theoretical edifice which Marx and Engels were constructing .
14 The rear-wheel-drive XR4i , which preceded the XR4x4 , is now a minor classic in the making and is in fact a far superior performer to the 4x4 .
15 The ‘ benefit ’ was in fact a deferred payment , which both tied a player to a single club and was of no value to those who through loss of form or injury were not able to serve the county for a long enough period .
16 He sees exuberant , and perhaps sensual , pleasure in the natural world , of the kind which he once described so lyrically in letters to Arthur Greeves ( there is in fact a letter about bathing in the rain at Parson 's Pleasure ) ; now such stuff seems to him ‘ Nazi ’ .
17 In acting terms , the production is in fact a strange mixture of precision and coarseness .
18 By the Wittenbergplatz U-Bahn station there is something which looks like a very large public information notice , which in one sense it is , but which is in fact a memorial .
19 Was Time magazine 's recent dissection of feminism in fact a postmortem ?
20 Although castellated and towered at the front , the Castle is in fact a perfectly ordinary farmhouse behind the façade , and its rear elevation is plain and workmanlike .
21 According to the Klaus camp , the Liberal Club is in fact a group of left-wingers bent on slowing the pace of reform .
22 And most bankers have come to understand that their trade is in fact a collection of diverse lines of business , each with its own and quite different economies of scale .
23 What looks like a four-leafed clover in the centre of a galaxy is in fact a product of gravitational lensing ; the four leaves of the clover are four different images of a quasar far more distant than the galaxy in which they seem to nestle .
24 Although the authors call them letters they are in fact a form of communication we call prayer .
25 Mosley was in fact a highly gifted playboy .
26 In fact a series of public opinion polls , conducted between February 1938 and January 1939 revealed that between 57 and 78 per cent of those who expressed an opinion favoured sympathy for the Republican government , and even a willingness to take action against Franco 's fascists .
27 In fact a thread of coarseness runs through the powertrain , making itself felt particularly during clutch engagement and when the motor 's spinning hard .
28 In fact a purely bark-based compost should be available soon .
29 What they will say , and probably are already saying , is that no matter what else may be dissimilar there is in fact a shared experience , a shared guilt , a similar anguish or torment , an identity of sin and shame and former behaviour between Miller and myself .
30 First there were the stories that Kylie was in fact a complete fabrication .
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