Example sentences of "rather [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The mere existence of national , sexual and racial oppression does not refute historical materialism , but rather constitutes its explanandum .
2 The meal was finished , his father had returned to the newspaper , rather deflated at his family 's lack of appreciation of his vice-presidency , and his mother had finished her ice cream and was rising from the table .
3 Then he saw — or rather heard , for the clip of their boot-studs on the flagstones was what first caught his attention — a file of boys in football kit making their way along a covered path linking the courtyard to the playing fields that lay behind the school buildings .
4 It must all sound rather tame to today 's children , but it was a happy time ; a time of predictable routine , which gave us a sense of security .
5 Neil says he does n't like the swimming and the lakes have been cold while Derek says they 've been through the pain barrier and have had to spend up to ten hours a day in the saddle but they 've had a good back up team … he also jokes that there has n't been a day when he would n't have rather stopped in bed
6 We want rather to see the state intervene only to prevent such use of land as is clearly anti-social or wasteful , while otherwise development is guided and determined by choice and by economic forces .
7 He went home with a couple who had been together for twelve years , not because he wanted to know what it would be like to be made love to by two men at once , but rather to see how these particular two men lived as a couple ; specifically , what they did together in the morning before going to work .
8 Moreover , I shall not try to determine what kind of phenomenon consciousness is ; the task here is rather to see whether the machine analogy can give us a way of talking about it , whatever it is .
9 It is rather to see how Marx handles these problems , and what views he holds about them .
10 Yes , erm , we found ourselves in , rather to go back .
11 Sara had told her to go to bed , or rather to go and look at the TV programme she wanted to watch .
12 Non-existent until about I should n't think there was an a bus did come to the bottom of Road , I ca n't remember what was , it must have been about nineteen twenty I suppose something like that , it used to go to the bottom of Road and turn round there , but I never er my mother always used to say you 'd ruin the trade , the trade down well I do n't believe it did really er now I think the lack of transport now you 've hit something there , lack of transport there encouraged people to shop in Green rather to go down the town cos you could get anything off Green you know , you just think you 'd ju you , you smiled about the er butcher 's shops , the grocer 's shops , the cake shops , you could get the gents , you could get anything on Green the ironmonger shop , you need n't go anywhere else but , when they started transport er yes I think the buses had quite a bit gradually cos things that , you do n't think get things happening in this country overnight I mean , they grow on you do n't they ?
13 However , I suspect that Mains rather got some enjoyment out of appearing as some grim nemesis of the south .
14 I rather got the impression that they would take him er , er , continue interest in what would happen , I 've got the impression they have a representative here to give their view of how it was er
15 ‘ The discussions have been taking place for such a long time that I rather got used to the idea that I should be leaving .
16 It rather got lost in the rush . ’
17 Ormanroyd wins the header Speedy flicks it on again and Chettle er Chettle rather got it away as Jochim came in on him .
18 Gavin Nebbeling was a tall , upright , South African central defender who played for the Palace throughout the 1980s , but his career was continually dogged by injury and this rather limited his value , although his League appearances exceeded 150 by the time he moved on to Fulham in the summer of 1989 .
19 Now that he was left alone with the two women , both of whom ( he imagined ) rather admired him , Rupert felt a sense of power , though there being two of them rather limited the scope of what he could do — cramped his style , he might almost have said .
20 However , the purpose of the article was not to provide a step by step guide to the workings of PCA ( see reference 1 ) , but rather to stimulate interest in the application of the technique .
21 The mainstream Labour left thinks it can call Mr Major 's bluff : he would rather swallow the Social Chapter , they guess , than lose the whole treaty .
22 Broadly speaking , the established firm would rather price down to average variable cost than leave , whereas the potential entrant would want at least to cover average total cost .
23 ‘ I would rather make pragmatic progress than theoretical progress . ’
24 Thanks but no-thanks , we 'd rather make the programme we want to , despite the horrendous budget problems .
25 If you can not afford to invest the maximum allowed each year or would rather make regular monthly savings than invest in lump sums , you can put by as little as £10 per month .
26 Most organisations owed money would rather make such an arrangement , and have their money back eventually , than run the risk of saying goodbye to the money altogether .
27 We 'd rather make money . ’
28 It already makes black and white displays in the US , but demand for notebook personal computers with colour displays is growing , and Sharp says it would rather make these locally than export them from Japan , where they are still subject to perverse US anti-dumping duties .
29 Harbury rattled on : ‘ I know he 'd rather make a statement later on and give it simultaneously to everyone .
30 and I 'd rather make it , it went all the way up to there
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