Example sentences of "place the " in BNC.

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1 After a couple of weeks in a cool place the beer should have cleared and be ready for drinking .
2 In the second week , the theme is THE SPORTING LIFE to link in with our Sport and TV conference event , taking place the mid-festival weekend .
3 In such a situation it is therefore all the more necessary to recognize the unique place the ethnographer holds and to capitalize on it .
4 Before the funeral can take place the funeral director must have the burial or cremation certificates .
5 Amazingly , the Million , which is restricted to the 250 yearlings sold at the Goffs Million sale the year before , will continue to clash with the Arc weekend because the sales it is tied to take place the week after .
6 While the Labour conference was taking place the Prime Minister had a trial run with the televising of Parliament .
7 However , if excavations do not take place the cemetery and its treasures are likely to be destroyed by ploughing within a few years .
8 The Environment Secretary , Mr Chris Patten , said the new green bill would set in place the most sophisticated and comprehensive pollution control regulations anywhere .
9 By the time the draw takes place the audience will have had an eyeful of Loren and an earful of Pavarotti , who was once a deep-lying centre-forward and is now roughly the same shape as the ball .
10 ‘ I fell in love with this place the first time I saw it .
11 What a holy place — but only insofar as in that place the Saviour became a human person and started his adventure of faith .
12 Had this differentiation never taken place the result would be something inconceivably horrible , an amorphous mass of cells with no identity at all .
13 When the Bohemians realised the mistake they had made in electing Ferdinand , they deposed him and elected in his place the Palatine Elector , Frederick V , a weak if romantic figure .
14 ‘ It 's a canny place The Ridges , with plenty of good folk . ’
15 ‘ Richardson had a chance of qualifying in the world championships but he failed and now he has won his place the officials think that their choice was justified , but it was not . ’
16 This took place the following February , and the Labour Party , at first called the Labour Representation Committee , was formed .
17 Whatever changes take place the most successful schools will continue to be those that have an obsession for children and education , putting children and their parents first remains the essential priority .
18 Here took place the famous séries , five to a season , each one lasting eight days , when 80 guests were invited at a time and it was in the drawing up of these guest lists that the Empress deployed all her social skills .
19 If that roast burns there because you 've not basted it , I 'll spit you in its place the morrow 's morn !
20 All you decent , well-meaning gentlemen , let me ask you , have you any idea what sort of place the world is becoming all around you ?
21 Immediate bombing attacks were expected , and when these did not take place the evacuees began to trickle back .
22 Men go up high mountains to achieve a new perspective ; thus all prophets have done this so they can dissolve the nuts and bolts of difference and see in their place the unity .
23 With a view to aiding the assessment of a patient 's progress there are a few simple guidelines that can be followed ; for cure to be taking place the disease should go from within to without , from organs of greater importance to lesser importance , from above to below and to disappear in the reverse order to their original appearance .
24 Thus , when minimal participation takes place the observer keeps out of the group.being studied as much as possible .
25 In its place the councillors now found an amalgam of interest groups , some class-based , some not , some based on workplace issues , others concerned with matters of production .
26 Luckily , in a place the size of Scampton it was easy enough to keep out of her path , and this I did quite successfully until my turn came for demobilisation .
27 ‘ Well , ’ he continued , ‘ I know we all call this place the summer-house , and it is only used to keep salmon nets and baskets in nowadays , but it is really a gazebo , where the local gentry used to meet their ladies of ill repute in the old days . ’
28 It does nothing to reduce the damage because by the time the sucking has taken place the poison is already busily circulating through the victim 's body .
29 Until such time as the long overdue rationalization of obscenity and indecency legislation takes place the Association 's resolve can not be measured , but some sustained lobbying on the idiosyncrasies of censorship law would not be amiss .
30 When applying to the religious authority under which the ceremony is taking place the couple must be accompanied by at least one witness ( preferably a parent ) and have relevant documents ( birth certificates , parents Jewish marriage lines , etc. ) with them .
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