Example sentences of "always [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Relative coverage of Labour and Conservative was always biased towards the Conservative government but the degree of bias increased sharply ( it tripled ) in the fourth week of the campaign .
2 The amount of bone present in assemblages of prey , and the species representation , vary from predator to predator but are always biased with respect to the community from which they came .
3 While a white working-class female psychologist may take on a new professional identity which erases her class background , a black woman psychologist of any class is always distanced from such an identity by her ‘ race , .
4 Though Spouse says Elspeth defies the idea that You Ca n't Take It With You and will join her ancestors wearing her best tweed and Celtic silver and clutching the two cut-glass decanters he has always coveted .
5 He was a tall man with dark hair that was always hidden under a hat .
6 We were always hidden away somewhere , I was packed off to various boarding-schools , he gave us piles of money , he just did n't want to see us !
7 And above all , watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places .
8 Because as says , er , the unconscious is , as a sense , is always hidden , so how do you possibly find out about the unconscious of historical figures that are dead and gone ?
9 He had always hidden his feelings admirably .
10 The title of Chapter 3 , ‘ The politics of variation ’ , was intended to underscore the central point about sex difference research : that it is always undertaken for political reasons , and has traditionally been used to justify sex discrimination and exclusionary practices , making them seem natural and inevitable .
11 It is not clear that military involvement in such disputes is always undertaken willingly and , indeed , the military 's own attitude in any given situation may crucially affect the ability of the government to pursue its policy .
12 Although the Minister could use this as a reason not to finance the appointment of additional full-time staff , the success of the Eastern District in serving far-flung rural communities , too numerous and too widespread for full-timers to cover efficiently , has always depended primarily upon the strength and zeal of the voluntary members .
13 Prep schools have no secure catchment area , they have always depended on the forces of the market place for their survival .
14 Dyarchy had always depended for its successful working on the exercise of tactful influence by the British governor and his officials , who had their reputations invested in preventing the resignations of their Indian colleagues ; but Irwin 's formulation took the controlling role allotted to influence much further .
15 He also has no hesitation in reminding capitalism , in its spooky hour of triumph over communism , that the ‘ culture of contentment ’ has always depended on this underclass — indeed , has happily imported it when necessary to do the menial and distasteful jobs at the cheapest possible wage .
16 While Gerry Taggart , Alan McDonald , Nigel Worthington and Mal Donaghy provide the basis of a sturdy defence , success has always depended on breakaway goals as well .
17 Because the laws of war derive to a large extent from standards which have developed within states , and because they have always depended for their enforcement largely on national legal systems , court decisions have been a very important source of the laws of war .
18 The stability of feudal society had always depended upon a relationship of trust between lords and vassals .
19 In those forms which have always depended on group production , there is not only a contrast with these basically individual uses of the immediate means of production , but , just as crucially , a range of developing relationships , many directly related to changes in the means of production , which amount , finally , to a further qualitative distinction .
20 The practice of medicine has always depended on nursing , and the therapy professions have grown up to supply new kinds of skills .
21 Their way of life has always depended on the snow , the weather , the clouds and the human strength and frailties of their clients .
22 ‘ I have always depended on the kindness of strangers ’ , says Blanche DuBois in Streetcar .
23 AEA 's success has always depended on being at the forefront of science and technology .
24 The poor countries of the South have always depended on selling raw materials — anything from palm oil to iron ore — to the industrialized North .
25 Over this time we have continuously expanded and developed our range , with the highest priority always placed on value for money and customer care .
26 MR MAJOR 'S Cabinet is a careful balancing act that reflects the emphasis he has always placed on party unity .
27 Much of its strength can be attributed to the vigorous support of the church , which has always placed the family at the centre of Christian living .
28 Madame , with Madame 's Waterford crystal tumbler always placed just at the same place on the bar ; Madame , in position , on guard , ruling the night .
29 Descending broken rock requires a nimble style , with the emphasis on sure footwork and the hands always placed for balance and as security in the event of a slip .
30 My small table and chair were always placed on the dinner table near her left elbow , and Glumdalclitch stood near me , in case I needed her help .
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