Example sentences of "away his " in BNC.

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31 The police turned up at his home after midnight on the night Joanna went missing and searched the house from top to bottom , even taking away his clothes for tests .
32 Frank , 44 , from Devizes , Wiltshire , gave away his £2,250 savings , then lost his job .
33 KENNY DALGLISH last night laid into his defence which threw away his hopes of closing the gap on Premier League leaders Norwich .
34 But Crosby said yesterday 18-year-old Gray had encouraged him to put away his cheque book .
35 Following his own desires and urges he lay on straw in his freezing barn , after giving away his bed , his decent clothes , and his sound shoes .
36 He was a little late , and entered the house with some trepidation ; a maid took away his hat .
37 A man who has given away his greatest secret can not afford further pretence .
38 Her father had complained to the Water Board every year for the last fifteen of his life that their damned backwashing was washing away his river bank .
39 Mr Gorman lost his temper and accused Travis of luring away his daughter .
40 Four kids to rear and a husband coughing away his lungs from mustard gas .
41 She shrugged away his hands with an exaggerated gesture .
42 A MILLIONAIRE has given away his dead wife 's jewels to 73 young women .
43 In June , he told Puchberg bitterly that he had been forced to give away his ‘ Prussian ’ quartets for a song , just in order to have enough cash to meet his present obligations .
44 Swimming seemed to have washed away his sulkiness ; he was smoothed out , ready to charm .
45 You mean take away his food ? ’
46 Take away his food and he will starve . ’
47 What about taking away his food ?
48 But Roy had thrown away his script , and he spent an anxious plane journey trying to remember his lines .
49 SLEEPY Hugh O'Neil escaped a fine or jail for turning up two hours late at court yesterday — because cops searching his home had taken away his alarm clock .
50 BILLY BOILS BREMNER threw away his shirt in disgust after receiving the red card .
51 DJ Supreme from Hijack 's offering is particularly raw , and seems mightily generous : you would n't expect Terminator X to give away his secrets , after all .
52 He was strung between a character which threatened to spoil his opportunity and an opportunity which threatened to shear away his character .
53 They also carry away his body to the white ship at the time of his passing .
54 he screamed to persuade himself that he was not frightened , and suddenly the barricade dissolved in an explosion of smoke through which the musket flames stabbed like shivers of light and the General 's long white moustache was whipped by a bullet that went on to tear away his left ear-lobe , but that was the only injury he took for he had always been a lucky man , and he caught a glimpse of long weeds shivering under the silver water beneath the bridge , then he kicked his heels hard back , and his awkward ugly horse clumsily jumped the heaped-chairs at the right-hand end of the barricade .
55 The doctor stopped packing away his instruments and looked at Sarah sternly .
56 Three weeks later , on the first Saturday of July , James Grierson gave away his only daughter to Roy Ryan .
57 But when we see him next , sexual desire has begun to eat away his conscience , and he feels possessed by ‘ the strong and swelling evil/Of my conception ’ ( II.iv.6f . ) .
58 A practising engineer until the age of forty , Albert Ayme did not throw away his slide-rule and set-square when he decided to devote himself entirely to painting .
59 She returned his letters unopened , and threw away his small gifts .
60 He stood up , pushing away his empty cup .
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