Example sentences of "course of " in BNC.

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1 The definition of capital murder — which carries the death penalty — varies from state to state : in Alabama , a capital murder is one that occurs during the course of a robbery , or where the victim is kidnapped or raped ; or , where the perpetrator is on parole or has escaped from custody ; or where the crime is particularly cruel .
2 IN the course of the 1970s V. S. Naipaul published two novels — Guerrillas in 1975 and A Bend in the River in 1979 — which address the theme of alienation , marginality .
3 There may be readers who object that the novel makes a mystique of darkness and futility in the course of saying that the whole island is peripheral , arrested .
4 He is saying this — outlining the aim — to his analyst in the course of the therapeutic sessions whose speech forms part of the oral record that constitutes almost all of the book .
5 He condemns her for trying this trick , which is followed by a terrible fall downstairs in the course of an attempt to end her pregnancy .
6 There were pleasures for both boys in the course of their growing-up .
7 Representatives of the few people they had come to know in the course of their wanderings round the world were left to clear up .
8 A linguistic point was made in the course of the review — that Julian Ormerod 's lounge-bar slang is ‘ continuous , in a way , with Patrick 's cool utterance ’ — and the review also made out that Ormerod 's overdone good heart is continuous , in a way , with Jenny 's .
9 For some , it may serve as a reminder of the Kingsley Amis who once unambiguously remarked , in the course of a berating of Philip Roth , that ‘ Jewish jokes are not funny ’ .
10 Where can Jenny have been , in the course of her adolescence , to be willing , if only out of nervousness , to accept that the Reds in Spain have been swept out from under the bed and up into mountain caves ?
11 Against this monologic Amis can be set , by way of alter ego , the modernistic Amis of Barbara Everett 's discussion of Difficulties with girls , which occurred in the course of an essay on Hugh Kenner 's fantasy of a British betrayal of Modernism , and which springs the surprise of conveying that Amis , so often supposed an enemy of Modernism , is really a Modernist .
12 But when he does resume them , when the time comes for him to make his next leap , the suggestions made in the course of this affair of his fiction fatigue and literal turn — suggestions which receive both rebuttal and support from within the shape-changing dialectic represented by The Counterlife — will not deserve to be forgotten .
13 Roth says to Levi in the course of the interview embodied in his article : ‘ Your other books are perhaps less ‘ imaginary ’ as to subject-matter but strike me as more imaginative in technique .
14 So for new actors coming into the business of acting what do you advise as the best possible course of action ?
15 A small number of empirical studies actually done in Northern Ireland have been invoked in the course of the debate .
16 Not , he wrote ( and Goldberg went on typing ) , that here in London one is cut off from such supplies in the normal course of events , but that work can not begin until one knows one will not have to bother with such things , for a while at least .
17 We will leave it to Goldberg to disengage the tone from the shit , he wrote , we will leave it to Honeyman and McGough , much good may it do them , though I will no doubt come back to the question before my project is completed , the big glass and the notes to the big glass , these two to be worked on at night , and this freewheeling commentary on both to be written by day , putting down whatever comes into my head after a night 's work , no correction , no revision , whatever comes into my head , the first two to be worked on by artificial light , the strategy clear , this by natural light wherever possible , no strategy at all , the first to be exhibited , the second to be published in the form of sheets in a box , a blue box or a red box , I have not yet made up my mind , in a limited edition , not a luxury edition but a restricted edition , five hundred boxes perhaps or even two hundred and fifty , all that will become clearer in the course of my work on the big glass , of my work on the notes to the big glass , now I have finally embarked on the major project of my life , the climactic project of my life , leading to the end of my life , all will grow clearer , wrote Harsnet , whether to try and call back and destroy all I have done till now or let it be , whether to burn this commentary or let it be , or perhaps leave it to Goldberg to do whatever he wants with , all these things will no doubt be resolved before the work is completed , that is the beauty of being in the middle of a project , that time itself , which had seemed such an enemy before I started , rushing forward and dragging me with it , impervious to my pleas , has suddenly turned friendly , flops down at my feet , licks my ankles , lets me know it is on my side .
18 But what if at the moment of birth the whole of one 's life to come were to flash before one 's eyes and then to be immediately wiped away , forgotten , while we laboriously go through all the pleasures and sorrows , all the hopes and frustrations that make up a life , meeting people and parting from them , listening to them and speaking to them , to go through tasting all we taste in the course of our long lives , seeing all we see , every leaf at every moment and every cloud at every moment , and hearing all we hear , the hooting of every car and the singing of every bird and every performance of the Brandenburg concertos , go through all that , in time , very slowly , though we had already been through it all , every moment of it , leaf , cloud , concerto , in one brief but intense instant , everything perfectly formed but over in less than a second ?
19 Nevertheless I feel that I have a responsibility to the public and to the world of art both to present your unpublished writings in as comprehensible a form as possible , and at the same time to correct some of the misleading impressions these might give , not of course about yourself , but about others , casually mentioned here and there in the course of your jottings .
20 Though my early dream of cones directly related to moulds and maintained in course of 180° rotation had to be abandoned .
21 Please , I said to him , no hints dropped in the course of articles on other things .
22 It ruled that packed lunches are supplied ‘ in the course of catering ’ and are liable for the 17.5% standard rating of VAT .
23 There were traces of the same fine-boned look about him , but his features were already well masked by what was likely in the course of time to become a solid layer of self-indulgent fat .
24 The safest course of action seemed to be to shore up the bunker and make sure I did nothing to upset the fragile eco-system that was supporting me , for however much we wanted to disguise it , I had nothing to fall back on .
25 At an unfamiliar site , talk to the locals and discuss the best course of action for launch failures .
26 But , if an error of judgement or a bad decision has been made , the vital thing is to recognise that , admit it and take immediate action to break the chain of events while a safe course of action is still possible .
27 That I avoided such a course of action is because of my own understanding of what the institution would allow before it swung into action .
28 A successful team may have to go through a number of fights during the course of a day 's competition so it is not at all unusual to see teams short-handed through injury in the final stages .
29 Remove any bandages after the day 's tournament unless you are likely to knock the injury during the course of your normal daily activities .
30 They were shaped — they were the shells of cottages , each one reduced to its ground plan , one course of massive stones , roughly masoned , with rounded ones at the four corners .
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