Example sentences of "next two " in BNC.

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1 This theory of stages in understanding art is helpful , and it will immediately be realised that the first two stages fit in with description , the next two with interpretation , while the final stage is judgement .
2 During the next two days I advised on industrial relations problems in catering , computers and property services and sent back three more folders of work to my line manager .
3 Copies of the first in the series , on Complaints , should reach Age Concern organisations by early December ; the next two ( Community Care Plans and Contracting ) should follow in the early part of 1992 .
4 Progress over the next two months or so should take me back to climbing .
5 We established a ‘ base-camp ’ and spent the next two days exploring this bizarre landscape .
6 In both arguments , the next two weeks — which include a probable German interest-rate rise and an unavoidable Conservative Party conference — will be critical .
7 Some pundits suggest that the capital gains tax battle is a shrewd White House softening-up exercise for an even more aggressive assault on the Democratic leaders in the next two to three weeks , designed to force a 1990 deficit-cutting agreement on Republican terms .
8 Over the next two weeks , each pair will contest eight games .
9 His union will spend £1.5m over the next two years in an attempt to increase individual membership .
10 Over the next two weeks West Germany will have the pleasure of his company .
11 The stock market 's Hang Seng Index doubled within a year of the agreement ; over the next two years , it doubled again .
12 If he wins the next two legs , today and tomorrow , his total prize money as overall Grade A champion will only amount to £970 — but he will have the opportunity to compete at Wembley for the rest of the week .
13 But the population of greater LA is projected to rise from 14 million to 19 million in the next two decades .
14 Details will not be fixed until the final scheme , part of a major capital reorganisation of the company , is published , within the next two weeks .
15 It was decided that Ajax should forfeit the tie and thereafter be excluded from European competition for the next two seasons for which they qualify .
16 A deal is expected to be put together and announced within the next two weeks .
17 Ajax join English clubs in European exile , as UEFA bans the club for the next two years they qualify for Europe , as punishment for the previous week 's crowd trouble , when the Austria Vienna goalkeeper was felled by a metal spike .
18 Successive home defeats , this one by a single goal , have seen them plummet from second to 10th , and their next two games are away to the leaders , Sheffield United , and at home to second-placed Sunderland .
19 But as Navratilova , although looking somewhat shaky , recovered to win the next two sets 6-3 , 6-4 , to complete the victory over Spain , there was no stealing Evert 's thunder .
20 Bond is already facing a series of ‘ crunch ’ days over the next two weeks : 18 October : This is the deadline by which Bond Corp planned to issue the ‘ Part A ’ document for its bid for Bell Resources , the first stage of the proposed A$2.5bn Australian brewing joint venture with Lion Nathan , the New Zealand brewer .
21 In the next two to three years Ford intends to spend £105m on the body and assembly lines at Dagenham , modernising the press shop and paint line , upgrading computer-aided facilities in the toolroom and streamlining the trim and final assembly lines .
22 If he is to persuade his colleagues that he can win for the party , he will need to seize every available chance for exposure over the next two , three , or even four years .
23 Of 22 chosen flights , I failed to get on only six and was carried on one of the next two flights .
24 The two Officers shook hands , then they both went into the caravan after informing me that they would be attending a meeting for the next two hours .
25 The next two days had settled into a daily routine of cleaning weapons and trying to catch up on lost sleep as every night was disturbed by the constant shelling .
26 Yakovlev wanted to see eight to ten thousand new cultural workers sent to the villages over the next two to three years .
27 Over the next two days , Harry cycled through Zutphen and Arnhem to Eindhoven , where a cafe owner gave him coffee and rolls , and a priest , who was a friend of the cafe proprietor advised Harry who was now headed for the Dutch/Belgian border .
28 The British government adopted the report as official policy , and pursued a diplomatic approach to the problem over the next two years .
29 Over the next two hundred yards she slowed down again , her misery and inertia crowding back upon her , her loneliness embracing her .
30 This transmission , which can handle up to 221lb ft torque , is definitely the shape of things to come at Mercedes , and in the next two years it is likely that all six-cylinder Mercedes cars will be equipped with it .
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