Example sentences of "house [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I believe when Teddy was acting the goat in this house the Princess of Wales was carrying Queen Maud of Norway as she now is . ’
2 SOUTH QUEENSFERRY Hopetoun House The Architectural Heritage Society 's Annual Conference celebrates the tercentenary of the Scottish classical architect William Adam ( 1689-1748 ) on Saturday 28 Oct in the elegant ballroom at Hopetoun House — William Adam 's most important commission .
3 Unshelled peanuts : after the second house the floor was audible .
4 High above the house the room floated lightly .
5 Sometimes if there was an illness in the house the sick person would join in the prayers through the open doors but when the silence was not broken he nodded to Mona and she took up Rose 's Decade .
6 The ‘ state of war ’ declaration clouded what might otherwise have been a clear-cut case of American aggression and gave the White House the makings of a case under international law .
7 If you like the house the chances are that other people will like it too , so speed is of the essence .
8 They even got the transparency of the house the wrong way round in their ‘ Country Homes ’ magazine , but their name and reputation insulated them against such elementary errors .
9 It happened that I called at Beatrice 's house the last time Aunt Nessy visited there — the time before she was banished .
10 But his performance in the 1982–3 campaign was phenomenal , for not only was he producing winners in quantity and at a very high strike rate , he was also winning big races : before the Gold Cup , Bregawn had won the Hennessy Cognac Gold Cup at Newbury , Silver Buck the Edward Hanmer Memorial Chase at Haydock Park , Captain John the SGB Handicap Chase at Ascot , Wayward Lad the King George VI Chase and Ashley House the Peter Marsh Handicap Chase at Haydock .
11 When Colin came to play at David 's house the boys would ring the neighbours ' doorbells and run away , and throw things into their gardens .
12 By this time , however , the ‘ Manhattan Project ’ had produced and tested an atomic bomb , and the new President Truman agreed House the fearful weapon against the Japanese in the hope that it would cause them to agree to a ceasefire .
13 Endill did n't notice until later , but each house the Bookman built was made entirely with Encyclopaedias , and he would use nothing else .
14 We arranged to meet at the next new mum 's group at my house the following week .
15 Myra Breckenridge , the sizzling exposure of sex in Hollywood by Gore Vidal had just made its appearance in London , along with Norman Mailer 's The Armies of the Night , about the invasion of the White House the previous October of pacifists and hippies protesting at the war .
16 At the front of the house the space cleared by the road and the river enlarged her perspective .
17 In his own house the curtains were open , the light was on and he could see a young girl with a pigtail , seated at the piano .
18 My husband and I were very angry to receive from M.S.W. to contribute to Africa and Asia to assist their water flow , when just down the road from our house the same company had caused the flood meadows to dry up .
19 In his little thatched house the itinerant preachers Mr John McNeese and Mr Thomas Payne preached .
20 Mr James Johnston , in whose house the first meeting of Sunday School teachers took place , was in real terms , the most generous benefactor Edenderry Church has ever had .
21 United Reform Church History Society ( London ) The main sections of the archive house the papers of the Presbyterian Historical Society , the Congregational Churches of Christ and the United Reform Church .
22 Inside the house the fire was burning and a couple of sticks of jharo , resting one on top of the other on the stone hearth , cast a stark and ambiguous light .
23 When every member of the society had got his house the society was wound up .
24 In that house the shutters are always closed , the lamps lit .
25 Did I think that under my house the gas lid from the propane tank had fractured , that gas was accumulating , that the pilot light was on ?
26 Back at the house the kitchen was a buzz of activity .
27 At another house the officer noticed a low table in the corner with a dust-free area in the exact shape of a TV .
28 Downing Corporate Finance ( 071–411 4700 ) aims to raise up to £5m for House the Homeless of London ( Greenwich ) under the BES .
29 This , as any British climbers knows , involved quaffing gallons of warm beer the night before , eating half a pig and the produce of a hen house the next morning , then spraying the countryside with this heady mixture while approaching the crag .
30 Over at Half House the party was going strong .
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