Example sentences of "never give " in BNC.

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1 While any analytic appraisal or reflexivity on this rationale is never given much credibility in the structures of significance .
2 Unwilling to accept this constraint , he went on to ask ‘ why not ? ’ ( again in written report ) and was informed reasons were never given ; the official line was simply to refuse all such requests .
3 Much of our daily work was ten years in advance of the official police community involvement programmes and yet our actions were only an extension of those social welfare activities the police have been heavily involved in for generations , but which are never given status as ‘ real police work ’ simply because of the institutional emphasis placed upon summons lists , numbers of arrests , crime detections , and other statistical returns .
4 We 've never given you quite so many opportunities to get involved .
5 He 'd never given the impression of being a dog lover .
6 Praise was never given to an individual child but only when the entire class did well .
7 This evidence was available to the chief veterinary officer last December but never given to the Select Committee .
8 The Japanese produce bland , artless copies of European products , totally without character : they have never given us a car like a Citroen .
9 ‘ I 've put it on the back burner , but have never given up the long-term goal of going round the world by sailboat .
10 He had never given her a vast amount , anyway .
11 ‘ I was never given the details , but Mum did remark that you had n't had an easy time . ’
12 It is from Zakarpatská Ukrajina , the Czech Ukraine or sub-Carpathian Ruthenia , first annexed by Hungary and later taken by the Soviet Union and never given back at the end of the war in 1945 .
13 I have a friend who has had a miserable marriage , because his wife has never given him her trust .
14 It has never given him any trouble , but we 've always kept an eye on it .
15 Certainly he has never given a hint that he knows anything .
16 Despite the fact that Yugoslavia was more market-conscious than some other socialist countries , the development of exports was never given priority in its industrial strategy .
17 Why have they never given us the understanding of how to contact this inner voice ?
18 Typically he was never given acknowledgement for his part in its creation .
19 I do n't think they had contracts in those days ; I certainly was never given one to sign .
20 ‘ If there are riot police , ’ he says , ‘ then vigilantes will appear , because there will always be somebody to see to it that crime is never given a free rein . ’
21 This fellow , who must be the only , or almost the only , surviving person outside Japan who has been the target of a nuclear bomb , and who knows what it 's like for real ( as opposed to the criminally bone-headed fantasising about nuclear war indulged in by our sillier soldiers and politicians ) , was not only matter-of-fact about it all , as though it was the sort of thing that might have happened to anyone , but he actually admitted that he had never given a thought to the possibility that he might be at risk as a result of the radiation he undoubtedly suffered at the time until recent weeks when various busybodies brought the matter to his attention .
22 Even if you have never given a bottle feed yourself it is possible that the baby received one from a nurse while in the maternity ward .
23 She was never given any form of education , and spent much of her time secluded with her two sisters and her aunt , the Duchess of Rothesay .
24 Authority was never given for the benefit of the person in authority , but only as a tool to serve those under that authority .
25 Nicholas was never given that privilege .
26 They were never given any work to do .
27 Until coming face to face with Midnight , Jess had never given much thought to slaves , and certainly had never considered them as being stolen .
28 Having never given a tinker 's cuss about The Pogues , I do n't share in the general mayhem that greets Shane MacGowan 's stumble-on for a mumble through a sickly ‘ Wonderful World ’ .
29 Mother Francis had never given up hope that Eve would live there one day , with a family maybe , and bring back some happiness to the little house that had known only confusion and tragedy .
30 And you can bet your pretty ass that your policeman friend is making sure that permission to search Murder Cay is never given , or if it is , that the guys on the island are well warned before our boys get anywhere near . ’
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