Example sentences of "never a " in BNC.

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1 And as to how she behaved to your mother you 'd never believe it — cigarettes , mess , gin in the teacups , and never a please or thank-you .
2 In such a world , individuality is never a prized characteristic , and an attempt in the early 1980s to remove the one remaining individualizing feature — the shoulder numeral or ‘ collar number ’ — was correctly rejected by civilians as a structural move towards an even greater anonymity .
3 More Melina Mercouri , hi , knees , glad you could make it , check food , what the hell that 's never a problem .
4 If one trespasses beyond the limits , he quietly corrects the fault in a plea , never a paroxysm .
5 The language apart , Leonard also seems to have been drawn towards the scandal-provoking propensities of the social catalysts as well as their revolutionary emphases ; drawn towards them , at times suggesting some involvement with them , but always as an outsider to their cause ; never a fully committed revolutionary himself .
6 He was never a man to be deprived of the sun and the soft wind in his face .
7 JOHN PRESCOTT did not go to university , was never a television presenter , and finds it exceedingly difficult to complete a grammatically correct sentence .
8 He said there was never a day when he did not believe they would survive .
9 Never a star perhaps but stars , on the boards , come and go .
10 Never a shout .
11 ‘ He was never a progressive musician , ’ recalls pianist Gerry Moore , who in contrast always was , ‘ but he had the most beautiful tone .
12 I may sing like Marcel Marceau , but it was never a style .
13 Although never a public figure , and always shunning the limelight , he was a man of great influence , an efficient administrator , a first-class draftsman and an eloquent communicator .
14 In our case , it was never a simple matter of trust , once having been won , being taken for granted , as the textbooks suggest .
15 There was never a big overnight change .
16 Mrs Thatcher 's position was also secure because the Cabinet ‘ Wets ’ were never a coherent group ; the term mistakenly unified diverse critics .
17 What was attractive about the American consortium approach — and I must emphasise that it was never a take-over bid , Sikorsky 's stake is only eight per cent — was firstly , we had worked with Sikorsky on and off for forty years .
18 There was never a time in Sir Hector Laing 's life when it ever occurred to him to work for any other company than the family business , originally called McVitie $ Price and now known as United Biscuits .
19 There was never a hint of a blow .
20 ‘ You 'd think he 'd come for the Christmas or even write but never a word , no thought for anybody except himself , ’ and it cast a deep shadow when they tried to imagine what kind of space enclosed Luke in England during the same hour , but they were n't able to imagine it .
21 Yet threading the Turbo R through traffic is never a problem .
22 The original XR 's gearbox was never a strong point .
23 Certain teams did become very loosely identified with Catholic or Protestant support in Liverpool and Manchester , but this was never a prominent feature of English football or a significant source of violence .
24 Never a word . ’
25 There was , indeed , never a day , except when he was away on short holidays , during which he did not spend some time in her company , from the time of their first association in 1919 until her death in 1951 .
26 There is never a moment 's dullness in The Allegory of Love .
27 It was never a formal club with minutes , or apologies for absence , or any ‘ business ’ or recognizable membership .
28 He threw his dressing gown casually on the chair and — with never a glance at Arty — jumped between the sheets , picked up the newspaper from the floor beside the bed , opened it out and peered over the top , his ears tuned to the conversation .
29 ‘ Mission is never a destruction but rather a taking up and building afresh . ’
30 But never a great organizer , he was bad at deputizing authority to others .
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