Example sentences of "something on " in BNC.

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1 To standards of conduct attained in other countries , metropolitan standards , or to something on the island ?
2 Something on the glass .
3 I think you need something on the other panel , above the oculist charts , he said at last .
4 The input/central distinction is something on which I shall be heavily reliant when I come to my positive thesis .
5 She has done something , something on a different plane from making a toy church or pipping a social rival at the post or committing a mindless atrocity .
6 Security and my creature comforts were cared for by a dry-cleaners on the street level ; a cafe on the first floor that would send me up something on a tray when I came home late and tired ; a retired beautician on the second floor who would revive me with an evening ‘ facial ’ ; while the grocer round the corner saw to it that my larder was replenished for my homecomings .
7 ‘ We 've learnt from our past mistakes in approaching Thurrock and Nottingham and we 'll use the experience we gain from Southwell to the full at Telford to build something on a far grander scale , ’ Muddle says confidently .
8 There are people who never leave home without one , while others feel ridiculous wearing something on their head .
9 ‘ I would n't feel dressed without something on my head or a really good hairdo — it 's got to be a hairdo or a hat ! ’
10 He also had a more unusual reason for needing something on his head .
11 I just gave him something on the side .
12 The problem was that I think David was moving so much away and into this trip of actually doing music with a message — of actually delivering something on stage which meant something to other people of his age .
13 It would only be a matter of ti me before the pubs , the little grocer and the dry-cleaner 's were replaced by some establishment selling something on which an enormous mark-up could be obtained .
14 The F-14 is based on elderly technology , and it would be extremely expensive to produce a workable bomber from it , something on the order of $50m a copy .
15 His initial intention was to publish something on Epicurus merely as an appendix to the Exercises .
16 The waitress then finds something on the menu that approximates to it .
17 The boy was stooping now , searching for something on the bank .
18 He was wearing a tin helmet and staring at something on the wall , a picture .
19 ‘ He 's got something on his chest .
20 And Miss Lilian will be here to take her a nice little something on a tray if she wakes before we 're back .
21 On their way across the churchyard Mrs Hollidaye pointed down to something on the ground .
22 Lunch is often a sandwich or something on toast ( like cheese or eggs ) or a pie or pasty .
23 If we see something on the side of the road , and we think the horse may shy at it , and we look at it very hard and carefully , the horse tends to be less likely to shy .
24 And the polite , formally suited African was writing something on a sheet of paper , to her instructions .
25 ‘ Well , you 'll have to do something on Sunday .
26 The broker is still recommending the chemicals giant as the ‘ perfect election heldge ’ — if the Tories get in , the big blue chips can not fail to attract support ; if Labour prospers , well , at least there will be a few capital allowances washing around and , in the words of one dealer , ‘ fund managers will have to buy something on Friday morning ’ .
27 Perhaps she could get something on the N.H.S. ?
28 He claims he keeps tripping over something on the ground .
29 In ‘ The Pocket-Book 's Petition to Parthenissa ’ , the book begs Parthenissa to write something on one of its pages , after which it will be content : ‘ Nor once , repining at my Cell , / With Darkness , Dirt , and Mira , dwell ’ [ ML , 2 , 94 ] .
30 So far as teachers are concerned , it might be necessary to tap a pupil on the shoulder to point out that s/he has dropped something on the floor , or to grab hold of a pupil to prevent an assault by that pupil on another .
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